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About knifemaster

R&R Medic
APD Officer
Olympus Plus

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  1. Do i need to knee pad to get the 10 mil?
  2. replace the sting with the vermin Wait WAIT WAIT im just an FTO I have no say, don't do it please
  3. @ ZeroBlade  still don't know you the best, but you make me cry during every fed. Keep it up man happy birthday

    1. ZeroBlade


      Haha sorry man i'll tone it down a lil.

  4. Agreed, I saw we bring the deputy kit down to a po7 and sting only for feds (big joke not serious)
  5. Best BW experience 10/10 was a great fight the entire time. None of my expensive hunters got blown up (MAY THEY REST IN PIECES)
  6. My very expensive hunters!!!!!!!! But you can't complain we won one we lost one. The outcome would have been the same had a sr member been there. Only difference between FTO and senior being there is I couldn't authorize lethals. It was GG anyways.
  7. Heres an idea, how about you o7 for the 18th time and stop yappin
  8. Happy Birthday @ Big Boss Fredo , you are the only person that strikes fear into the heart of the APD. You PO7 ninja stay strong man!

  9. There are standards in place to be proportionate, however the goal of the ADP is to stop the robberies no matter what the number are. There is currently 15 active APD members with access to armor, 3 of which can only use it at federal events ( with restrictions regarding proportionality). Majority of feds I have fought and I can tell you from my experience, if by 10 minutes we have not made any meaningful progress getting into the federal event I will begin pulling some armor.
  10. knifemaster


    you arent allowed to buy more shit man, my bank account is going down
  11. Congrats @ Rexo  on chief. You will be missed @ Winters

  12. @ Milo it happens to most people at least once, sucks that it happened to you though.
  13. Happy birthday @ Doke TV  you stinky designer and @ G H O S T  you are a big monkey

  14. If I dont win i will leak the video of peach collector and Jay saying some choice words about poor ol @ Marcus
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