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Cole Anderson

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Interested, how much for both
  2. @AustinF1 @DeathWalker @Bloodmoon @unc The 30+ Kilometer run that changed my life, awesome experience 10/10 would do it again. Kavala to Sofia in a 1 hour and 40 minutes
  3. those are mine you reselling piece of shit
  4. @MrRonSwanson I have all csat ghilles, so do you want those? @FuzyCan you do anywhere from 115-130k? @Strafe I will take anything from 115-130k or more
  5. I have a shit ton of everything that is no longer available in game. Let me know what you will pay. And we can work out a deal <3
  6. Selling pilot helmets/coveralls. I had a lot of defenders aswell for cheap. make a offer <3
  7. Fucking Potato?
  8. Grandma Gary... It has evidence without a doubt. please man
  9. Goodman I thought you were better than this...
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