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GFunk Havoc

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GFunk Havoc last won the day on December 14 2014

GFunk Havoc had the most liked content!

About GFunk Havoc

  • Birthday 09/15/1980

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. MOOB!!! Finally A GROWN UP!! Wooohoooooooo!! Gratz homie!!!


  2. HAVOC is going to finnnnnnnnd youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GFunk Havoc

      GFunk Havoc

      Good, now get ready to lay in it!!!

      And yes KI Era.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


    4. GFunk Havoc

      GFunk Havoc

      HOW THE F??? SHHHHHHH damnit all!!

  3. I don't think I deserve this BAN, i'm a very loyal player and contributer to peoples game play.....

  4. Best Shot: Nickname Best Driver: PVTHOWARD Best Heli Pilot: TOAD Best Officer: I would say Fugi but hes a dick in Civi, so ItalianStallion Best R&R: DeathDingo Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Psycho Best RP'r: Kratos when hes not stealing donuts and screw people for their hostages Most Tactical: Can't find him, its a corporal's name that starts with a C and NICK Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: To many to name, and i can't name myself lol Most Reliable: RUSTED CORPSE Most Dedicated Player: TOE KNEE
  5. Not to be a jerk, but these are all the big wigs, and you all have your own 'click' or social hang out, whatever you call it, but if you knew the other small guys, the ones who make some servers fun, these lists would be different, and not to mention you think everyone is a tool but your own. Not being a dick, just being real.....we little guys have our lists too....but this is good to see too, so i know who to kill first in a fight....haha
  6. Ghost you need a wing man calling the shots and texting the cops, and all that jazz or texting the person continuously telling them whats going to happen and include side chat, but ya just text and play. And with terror always make sure there is 3 or more cops. RP just make sure the person has a clue they are going to be shot.
  7. Paw, You do not have to explain your self to us or waste your time with this fool, we know you do the right thing even when no ones watching. (Secret identities and Assassins) So please save your energy for the game, people like this ruin attitudes for the day and you don't deserve that, keep on keeping on boss!! You da PO PO!!! haha
  8. I can't shoot you squiggly bastards when you do the zig zag dance!!!
  9. I need to schedule a Ride along, but i'm on early hours of the Eastern time, any ideas how to get this done??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wheatkings


      there's always weekends if they aren't available Monday-Friday when you are.

    3. GFunk Havoc

      GFunk Havoc

      Thanks guys, I'll do the suggested and keep my eye out for snake. And ya Weekends is tough too. But I'll do what i can! thanks again!!

    4. Hades


      You can always send one of the higher ups a PM here on the website. They should be checking there messages everyday so if you don't see them in-game the message is still passed on here.

  10. Requesting Assistance.....I need some rank. I can handle trolls but I need a little more respect by ticketing them. If people are not taught a lesson, they will never learn. PS Jail is boring. They will get the hint....

    1. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      Use TeamSpeak, most of the high-ranks use that regularly.

  11. GFunk Havoc

    Hey Guys

    That was pretty good, maybe try a little about what you like best about the game, or even what makes you have more fun in game. Olympus is awesome, just need to enjoy the game with rules. Still is so much fun, anyone who can't follow rules or guidelines should find another server!
  12. If my BB gun for a pistol could kill them.....i wouldn't, they open doors when i'm a rebel, what i really need is a flute to lure them......hahahahahah
  13. My skills are improving, having fun being a Regulator for Altis life, but some people take advantage of me, i need a promotion soon!

    1. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      A time will come when the time is right.

    2. GFunk Havoc

      GFunk Havoc

      agreed sir, just don't like being taken advantage of, haha

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