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Everything posted by Angel

  1. Well I'm not home so I caint post the video but as I'm hover above @Berg he's around 3 medics a cop and some dude. All of a sudden I see the red triangle and a beep beep. Let's just say that the medics may need a medic..the cancer that is S berg havnt laughed so hard on Olympus before this
  2. Wish I could +100 this
  3. I gave u like 3 rep and u were at 14...my up votes were wasted..
  4. Montage #3 should be out by this week...The shitter Monatge

  5. The reason I said what I said is not because he does the most work because in all fairness everyone does their part that's how this community is so strong, I basses my post off my own interactions with bubbaloo sence i joined Olympus, I think that's also what Thomas is trying to say...Like dezree / mr Kevin just recently got mod..they are to awesome people I caint lie but I'm not gonna say I want them as admin because 1. They been mod for I think 3 weeks now? And 2. I don't know them as well. I respect all staff. My opion is I would like Bub to get admin based on what I've seen.
  6. meaning when civs use them in a jail/fed
  7. I am saying bub for admin becuase hes the one ive had the most experince with, how do u think mods get admin? they are recommended. I get what ur saying but u caint just say " all mods for admin"
  8. Simone's cranky
  9. Rip to every fed/jail ending succesfuly
  10. MAKE IT HAPPEN#2016 ( keep this going)
  11. Angel


  13. welp. It can go in water right?
  14. Angel


    Just like @Grandma Gary 's penis. Should we start a bubbaloo for admin thread?
  15. This makes me very very happy.
  16. You mean "my killing everyone who ever stepped foot in Sophia rebel without a gun" montage ?
  17. HOSTILE BUNNY!! ...my life as a deputy..good times
  18. TALINDOR I MISS YOU! -Secierly your favorite ex PO, Angel

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Angel


      @McDili will you remove mine? <3 I've been a good human being!

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I can predict the answer: "Blacklists are permanent."

  19. I swear algebra 2 is gonna be the death of me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. badaim


      Still in high school ? if you are enjoy it while it lasts college blows.

    3. Angel


      Junior....i wanna be a chef so I'm deciding if I wanna go to college for culinary or just go straight into a job

    4. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      Math 6 is going to be the death of me man, dont worry u smarterer than me.

  20. Angel


    I agree fully
  21. Angel


    But bub wasn't on till 530 to lift it (;
  22. Angel


    And I sorted it out with dez in less than an hour pretty much <3
  23. Lemme cop a pair bruh
  24. Angel


    well idk about poseidon who still hasnt added defibs <3 jk @Poseidon we know ur missing someone chromosomes.
  25. I feel like the mods dont get enough appreciation... everyone always complain they never do their job and that it takes for ever for their reports to go through...i feel its the opposite all my reports are handled in less than a day and every time i need to speak with a mod in ts more than 3/4 the time they are their to help. Just wanna thank all the mods for the hard work they do! <3 I would also like to add that theese amazing moments wouldn't be able to happen with out the devolper team and the admins! Everyone tag a mod and make him/her feel special! @Bubbaloo
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