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Everything posted by DoctorK

  1. Short, relatable, and to the point. 10/10
  2. The engine roar at 0:58 though. Cop's thinking "Watch this shit guys, I been playing GTA. Works everytime" Whoever owned that house is gonna have to submit a comp report for his wall
  3. Well to address the 0 words problem, that is still RDM/Vigi abuse. It says clearly in the server handbook that : Downing a player with a bounty before announcing yourself is RDM (Side chat is not considered announcing). However, most vigi's are just civs new to the server who want to fight crime, and being new to the server means they likely haven't read the rules. I'm not saying you should rule quote the next vigi who does it, but maybe warn them and if they're nice about it they may let you go. If not, let the APD or an admin know and they'll usually keep an eye out. Bad vigis give vigis a bad reputation. It's unfortunate, but that sort of behavior is the main reason most people hate vigilantes IMO. The only time they aren't required to announce is in red zones, which is obvious. If you're chilling out in town though, doing that sort of thing is just a jerk move.
  4. I agree here. Po7 may not be the most intimidating weapon, but do not underestimate the power of limb shots. Just ask Corporal Doc
  5. @Wang Looks fine to me, but what Dili said is a good idea for both the cpu and ram. You have the 980 graphics card (best bang for buck, no reason to go higher). Power supply looks fine. I'm not a fan of water cooling, but in all honesty anything works. Just be careful when you set it up. My only recommendation is that if you aren't planning on doing some extreme video editing, you could probably save some money and drop the processor down to the i5-6600k. That's what I use, and I haven't found a game yet that gives it trouble. You'll save about $100. Here was my parts list, if you wanted to take a look. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Saurafang/saved/BnMkcf Everything you have there is comparable though. One last note, I'm assuming that windows 10 oem is coming in disc form. You might want to get an optical drive, or you'll have to put it on a thumb drive from another computer, then install it via USB. May cause problems, but I've never messed with that myself. If you don't have one, get a static protection wrist strap. It isn't very expensive, and it's worth having. You spend about $7 and potentially save $200 in your motherboard by not frying it with an unlucky charge jump.
  6. Ham is 14??? The fact that some people (like me) have no idea whilst playing with him is part of the reason he was accepted into the APD. Like the higher ups are saying, just play the game, show you are invested, and get in with a gang that can vouch for you. If you truly are up to the task (posting here with questions was a good first step), I'm sure you'll have no problem proving yourself.
  7. Toxic chat telling Peter to stop breathing
  8. "Shoot em Kevin" the legend lol
  9. I agree with fuzzy. I use movie maker and it is about average in performance. You're limited with what you can do, but it gets the job done and it's free. Be careful when you go to download it. There are a lot of scummy editors out there that somehow manage to wiggle their way into google search results. WMM will be sort of a package deal, you just choose to only install it when it comes to that point. It also comes tied to photo gallery if I remember right.
  10. Browsing through all the old APD forum posts now that I have access :Kappa:WSKdtFQ.png

    1. ComradeGoonie


      Love that random upvote I get from weeks back. lolz

  11. I feel like this is the same argument from a different post, so I'm only going to post once. Regardless of stance, whether you want defibs, you want epi-pens, you want neither, or you want 3RIP unbanned, the devs have spoken. You're not going to see change at the snap of your fingers, no matter how much we talk about it on the forumns. Here is my opinion: "Compromise is not about losing. It is about deciding that the other person has just as much right to be happy with the end result as you do." Just because you have wanted defibs for so long and aren't getting them, doesn't mean you should treat what you are getting as complete shit. That's just being ungrateful. Just let the epi-pens have their field day, and once you've tried them out then go back to shitposting if you don't like them. All arguing right now is going to do is upset the devs who already do more than most to keep new things coming to Altis.
  12. I may have misinterpreted Marty's message dili, but I think that is what he was hinting towards
  13. I think that making it back before the 5 minutes expires isn't meant to be thought of as a requirement when using epi-pens. Sure you will die again, but the 5 minutes is really meant to be used to get you to a vehicle at least, which then allows your friends to transport you to a medic for revive. In essence, epi-pens are really just being put in to make death a little more flexible, and with some effort, avoidable. It also keeps medics involved. So like many have said, it's a happy medium between defibs and nothing.
  14. While I agree that a bullet wound would take more than Epinephrine to permanently fix, that is why it only gives you a 5 minute timer. Epinephrine (aka adrenaline) is a drug that "plays an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, output of the heart, pupil dilation, and blood sugar." In essence, the idea is that it's letting your body shoulder the traumatic effects of being shot for a couple minutes while you try to get to a hospital for treatment. Your body would be producing adrenaline on its own at the time for this exact reason. That being said, you would probably need a large shot. A standard epi-pen for allergic reactions / asthma would not be enough to help, but this is Altis. Of course this probably wouldn't be used in real life, but the concept itself is not complete insanity.
  15. Gonna miss seeing you around the coffee pot Bubbaloo. I know that for myself and many of the other newer faces in the APD you were a go-to for questions. Hope to see you around, and that being a full-time mod brings you the joy it should.
  16. warrior(s)* Don't forget to turn off that god mode Peter
  17. 76561198074355118 Please and thank you big G
  18. So you'll still be around as a civilian right? If this is some sort of permanent cya Olympus post I'm going to have to drop the FeelsBadMan. +1 o7 Enjoy retirement Peter, spend it well. And for those who haven't seen it.
  19. Whitelisted positions appear to be having issues at log in. A lot of cops were getting stuck at "Setting Up Client". Only workaround we could find was having everyone log out, then back in at the same time, but it didn't always work.
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