Looks fine to me, but what Dili said is a good idea for both the cpu and ram. You have the 980 graphics card (best bang for buck, no reason to go higher). Power supply looks fine. I'm not a fan of water cooling, but in all honesty anything works. Just be careful when you set it up. My only recommendation is that if you aren't planning on doing some extreme video editing, you could probably save some money and drop the processor down to the i5-6600k. That's what I use, and I haven't found a game yet that gives it trouble. You'll save about $100. Here was my parts list, if you wanted to take a look. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Saurafang/saved/BnMkcf
Everything you have there is comparable though. One last note, I'm assuming that windows 10 oem is coming in disc form. You might want to get an optical drive, or you'll have to put it on a thumb drive from another computer, then install it via USB. May cause problems, but I've never messed with that myself.
If you don't have one, get a static protection wrist strap. It isn't very expensive, and it's worth having. You spend about $7 and potentially save $200 in your motherboard by not frying it with an unlucky charge jump.