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Everything posted by RAYRAY



    i wanted to laugh at this one but out of things lol i know i was pretty lit IK


    MEANS ALOT GUYS cant you see I'm having a moment ?
  3. every now and then you gotta jus fuckin kill all those kids submitting reports and get that anger out


    You know what? I hope everybody in life gets what they DESERVE. I do not wish a good life upon everybody, God or whatever higher power should have some way of affecting peoples lives if theyre a fucking dick or not. Genuinely, I care about people who are cool if somebody is in general a nice person whatever I wish nothing bad upon them I actually hope they get whatever they are looking for in life but people who just treat everybody like shit for no reason should just die like or get mad at everyone around them IDK people should just not be a waste of air and if your gunna say someone is a piece of shit it should at least be constructive and you should at least know that person. With that being said, heres the story of why I posted this.. I was dating a girl who did mad drugs and I didn't fuck her yet. I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a long time and he literally stole my bitch. A long time goes by about a year and I see the guy again and I decide not to be a dick because in no way shape or form could I have changed the way a bitch thinks and acts and if I was the dude I would probably smash too. Anyway he tells me he's sorry and we shouldn't hate each other or act weird over a bitch, then he tells me he actually did me a favor and I'm like how...? the girl gave him chlamydia and cheated on him within 2 months of dating and they broke up so anyway I think ALOT of knowledge can be gained from this post
  5. i ask myself that everyday
  6. lmfaooo jeff noooo
  7. cheese is the man tho
  8. shut up bch
  9. genghis youre a surfer negro jew nice tage tho
  10. you know a good solution to all of this ? git gud
  11. RAYRAY


    confirmed tazed is 12 with a voice changer
  12. don’t judge a montage by its length but by how shit the player is
  13. orca, @Sam1 , Never. The. Fuck. Again
  14. still mad af about that 100k tho
  15. @Sam1 you really are a terrible pilot you tried to rotor tap me or some stupid shit while you were on cop crashed into me and then you only comp’d me half of what all my shit was worth Fuck you @Sam1
  16. IDK ive like copy n pasted it in all the things I could lmao all it does is put the link at the bottom. I cant figure it out fuck it nbd
  17. Says image is too fat does not meet guidelines when I try to copy an paste it, now what?
  18. uhhh............. how do I find my stats page
  19. I have autism, how do I get the yellow stats shit at the bottom of your posts???? I think it looks dope and I cant find how to do it anywhere @Isaac Newton
  20. at least you didn’t respawn to 5 vigi’s when you have a 5.5m bounty
  21. if u wanna make it your career def quit arma you will get no money or recognition playing arma lol
  22. i will send you a picture of my dick and you can hydrographic it but it would prolly take up the front and back of the shirt or at least back to top over the hood would be the head of my dick
  23. find out there IP’s and dos them
  24. hey grandma garry remember that message i sent you that i was too lazy to add to whatever bugs section on google dick forms ? you should go back and re read that and show it to @Jesse
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