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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. buckie stfu
  2. Fun night made 6+mill for gang funds. remember @Monkey_Wrench @Orgondo @ThatRandomGuy was lit.
  3. Just watch them. They keep getting better and I love them.
  4. https://gyazo.com/330934e5a077b45504c35d7c03eed08c
  5. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/103980122111351445/1DA5141E0416B9BD8F925C4D1453062C7D63159B/ See how we ended like this soon.
  6. Step the fuck down. your not proving anything by acting hard on the forums. no more than 5 months if that.
  7. where do you get off calling me a kid? and 3.5 mill is not the number. Also that is still a small as number so what are you chatting?
  8. Denied
  9. Im working on Khans wrath #3 its pretty lit, just need a few more clips to complete the song. This is Just memes. I made this because I was clearing up space and added these videos together.
  10. What am i doing for new years? 


  11. If you dont see the RP in that your a fucking scrub. Holy Shit.
  12. While watching this I did not know where it was going, and now that it is over idk where they went with that? Like wtf was this?
  13. Trying to find out the release date for This game, found this video instead. Was almost as good as the thing I was looking for.
    1. Goodman


      Spent about 10 minutes on this playing with the other flags. :FeelsBad:

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @Goodman yeah just check back tomorrow.  IT'S LIT...

  14. I know last to events I was in @Talindor was doing them and thy were LIT AS FUCK!
  15. Okay I've been patiently waiting for a stats page....

    Now I'm starting to question it.

    1. Dangus


      probably aint coming back tbh. they added the stats TAB but not the page.

    2. falcon


      Well @Poseidon just added another 12+ units of time. 

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Shut up you vigilante faggot. That is not the spirit @afalcon

  16. lmfao nice fucking meme. @[H|H] Frost
  17. Can we please get this.
  18. Can confirm this is fake as fuck ^^^^
  19. Tech dude i fucking love you bro, when are we going to catch some more crooks?
  20. Fuck all you people like @Potato that call me retarded on a daily basis. https://gyazo.com/0692302c7fa71b5bd190f1981767b52e Try it and post your results if you are not shit. https://memorado.com/iqtest
  21. Fuck off. XD I can make 2.4mill in like 3hrs just filling one time.
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