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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Wtf Both servers 1&2 are full all the time. Thats why my enter button is fucked, from spamming to get in.
  2. Why is the Apd Disciplinary Library closed? Now I have nothing to look at when Im processing. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      I think it was rather educational to read it from time to time, and that you could see how SR APD handled every report against APD, not gonna miss not reading it, but sad to see it's been pulled off :)

    3. Maniac


      I think it's a good thing. Made everyone's personal business public. +1 for the removal. 

    4. ScreaM


      @Corporal_moob I respect your view on it. In pretty much all cases they deserve the consequence. Only thing I have an issue with was the disregard of the demotion guide. People who broke the same rule didn't get the same consequence, which appears as favoritism to the entire community. Also had an issue with staff locking the post originally, as the conversation wasn't toxic and valid points were being brought up. @Adi I'm not sAPD and barely play APD right now, but I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as any sAPD member or former sAPD member. I just don't need to make a fake account to share my views. If you don't like it, ignore it. Don't quote me and say its a stupid comment just because you don't like it.

  3. One month ago I only had 160k in my account. But b4 I tell you how I did it, I want to show you my collection of books.

    1. Ahmed99


      Please teach us your ways

    2. ScreaM



  4. nvm
  5. Server 1 or 2?
  6. Made this guy sing for his life. And for whom it may concern I did not shoot him in the leg because I had 7.62... Jk its bc this guy didn't Rdm me and then break NLR
  7. bro mk14 ftw.
  8. just letting everyone know how shit they are. I was worried about them so I didnt do a run because it would have been 3v1, So now everyone knows they can do runs and not be worried about [Prae]
  9. I just landed at Pygros Rebel and I was restocking, then 4 mofos came up. Around 37sec one of them calls me a cunt for camping rebel. It was 6am why the fuck would I camp that shit? I ended up shitting on 3 of them, and they call me a bitch for camping in an "armored hut" Like Wtf. Oh well.
  10. what kinda paint ball gun do you have?
  11. (Removed)
  12. Put me on this please
  13. `lmfao thanks for sharing.
  14. lmfao
  15. This kid rdm me, and that was in fact his dead body on the ground He had nlr. So that is the only reason I did this to him. And after I ran away I turned myself in and I seen Him in kalava again, And he rdmd me again, then dc. So think what you think of me I dont give a shit, Fuck that kid.
  16. Well honestly im not a dictator, so if i see something I dont like I just leave it and dont think about it.
  17. You mean nothing to me. Idgaf what you think I just enplaned myself, and its not going through your thick ass skull, so stfu.
  18. ok and ill have my alt f10 ready mate Ok. A lot of people dont like me. That was not even me saying that m8. And, no im 18. Ik i was a dick, but this guy deserved it. This kid rdm me, and that was in fact his dead body on the ground He had nlr. So that is the only reason I did this to him. And after I ran away I turned myself in and I seen Him in kalava again, And he rdmd me again, then dc. So think what you think of me i dont give a shit, Fuck that kid. read the comment above m8.
  19. I feel like you should gtfo.
  20. lmfao i say that to everyone
  21. lol I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, I only heard it when I reviewed the video.
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