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Everything posted by Succccc

  1. Ooh, vigis have always complained about ranks. I think that would be a great idea.
  2. I know, my video recorder destroys my frames and I accidentally deleted most of the pictures. But it was still hilarious either way!
  3. This is a warning for everyone out there. Watch out for ham... We all thought it was just a simple fed, until the 50 cal arrived. This picture is all we have left after everyone but myself was slaughtered in hams rain of terror. Exploding cars, burning bodies, and the sweet, sweet smell of our stolen gold. Watch out...
  4. I think Olympus has just experienced a terror attack....
  5. Today I was just browsing the PD forums until I ran into the chain of command sheet. I noticed two things. 1. I'm not listed as a PO, but that's not important right now. 2. We lost Gidgit, Mobondo, And Ghostface. Is it just me or is everyone else wondering why we had three SAPD members left today? And also if they are gone for good, We will miss you guys a lot! You guys did so much for the community.That also sparked the question, who's gonna take their place?
  6. And you looked this up why?
  7. How long do you think it would take to make an Olympus Tanoa life server, once apex is released?
  8. Well I don't know if you knew, but it is on 20% sale right now for pre purchase
  9. Umm, not sure what that means but ok
  10. So before ArmA 3 Apex arrives in June, I was pondering upon the question, should there be an Olympus Tanoa life server? Since Bohemia said that this map is geared more towards the A3L community because of its recent growth and interest. If so, should all current APD and R&R members turn to TPD and Tanoa R&R automatically? Should the higher ups be switched? Should there be different rules since its a different country? Or should Olympus just not have a Tanoa life server? Let me know what you think below!
  11. Already posted my PID....
  12. Have you ever taken a moment to realize how deprived deputy's are? Have you ever wondered, what could make these unorganized noobs, happier? Look no further, I know what we need, APD standard issue quad bikes! But honestly though, I think that deputy's should be able to have quad bikes for patrolling cities. They are cheap, they are worthless, prefect for the average deputy! Maybe I could know something about this if I had APD forum access......
  13. 76561198208163216 thanks!
  14. So last night, this happened. Taxi Marty said hello to us with his mic, in exchange he got the thrill of a life time in altis. His taxi slinged to an APD ghosthawk escorted by two APD hummingbirds. All the way from Pyrogos to Kavala, hope your happy Marty :D.
  15. I just read the new server rules, (they seem great btw) and it says do not shoot at R&R and News Crew members. I had no idea that there is a news crew, or is that to come?!?! If so I would love to become a part of the Olympus news crew!
  16. I remember that XD......... I also remember 5 minutes later when we crashed and died......
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