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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. He doesn't understand sarcasm... or logic
  2. Ajax


    Fuk @TheCmdrRex
  3. @TheCmdrRex I wanna post that picture of you but don't wanna get u in trouble with ur crazy boss
  4. Ajax

    I need ideas

    unfortunately that is too common xD
  5. After helping my friend reach 230k subs on YT i've decided to try to start a channel of my own... Only problem is that "Ajax" is too well common and not really something I made up. Anyone have any ideas for a name I could use for my account? i will be making lets plays and just overall try to make hilarious videos. Something really simple but easily remembered. for example there are channels out there named "Fitz", and "TheDooo". These names are short, unique, and easily remembered! Any help is appreciated! thanks guys!
  6. Ajax

    Mike Pence

    Cheese for those of you that didn't see the other post he made ^^
  7. Me 2
  8. We have reached a new low of medics being cry babies over the littlest things . the only REAL medic in town in @Muthinator
  9. Mah boy
  10. Is that server 1? If so that is @Strikke's old garage
  11. I mean what is the point of having a dpi slider other than for dpi glitching... even in any game
  12. can confirm... one time i remember @codeyeti soldered his headphones straight onto his sound card because they weren't working properly... xD wouldn't recommend that tho
  13. oh well xD https://gyazo.com/9cf0cc2942dec8ab7470e846b0a78aba
  14. We just don't like it when people post shitty videos on the forums
  15. what processor do u have?
  16. tbh Falcon is right... I would just buy a really cheap one until you can buy a new good one
  17. oh jesus you keep changing your story... Honestly you sound like a kid whose balls haven't dropped yet... please just stay off the forums until you can restrain yourself from posting dumb shit, thank you very much!
  18. 300m? thats like standard distance... talk to me when your hitting 800m shots
  19. u killed a guy in a quilin and another guy with no vest... I think we have a god on our hands
  20. Yes, if u upgrade it fully you can pull out helicopters now so it is the equivalent of gold
  21. I'll sell mine for 12 million
  22. Nah Carowinds Front row on the worlds tallest gigacoaster is amazing!
  23. Will this roller coaster get shutdown too?
  24. Uo give ya a dolla! How far from meth tho?
  25. Y'all this thread is over a month old... I understand that it's sad but jesus stop responding
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