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Everything posted by 7oXiC

  1. good, hit the gym <3 And stay golden my friend.
  2. Just giving you tater-tot/carebears a heads up, I will be returning to rob you very soon
  3. are we still talking about snowflakes and potus? old shit is old sir.
  4. Satchel charges ready.
  5. I see the server is still kickin, I need to come and cause a little trouble soon =D

  6. no

    1. SPBojo


      i know you love me you hispanic sack of potatoes

  7. I miss trolling you all <3


  8. Shhhhh
  9. Happy birthday old friend. 

    1. orcpoc


      Who u calling old? Lol thanks bud 

  10. He knows how we play =D
  11. So much hostility here. I kinda like it.
  12. I will bro! This is going to be funny.
  13. I'll let them announce themselves.
  14. Mr. Peter as an admin. Congrats honey!
  15. Well, I have noticed the lack of robbings here on the server =/ ;however, I do have some good news! There are some old players coming back tonight =)
  16. Why don't you lend a hand. I'm sure creating lame skins for a hatch is so quick why not get on it
  17. Great, so when are y'all going to fix the rebel trucks
  18. 7oXiC

    Just do it

    I rather be bored waiting on the servers to come up than be here looking at this window for hours.
  19. I'm at work & bored , you scrubs entertain me.
  20. 7oXiC


    first comment i have ever agreed with you on! You are not bae <3
  21. 7oXiC


    not that gullible
  22. 7oXiC


    While i am out robbing i love to listen to music and 9/10 i am listening to this while i am robbing you. What do you like to listen to?
  23. hmmmm, that is not bad either
  24. Game<Beer
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