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Posts posted by DashTonic

  1. Here's a shit tier drinking game for support team 

    Take a shot. when someone joins with there support ticket in there name 

    Take a shot. if they complain about a cop 

    Take a shot. if you tell them to make a ticket 

    Take a shot. if they tell you to pull someone in 

    Take a shot. if the first thing they say is that they want a admin 

    Take a shot. if another support member steals your ticket 

    Take a shot. if someone asks you how to unlock there car 

    Take a shot. if you lost a brain cell trying to help someone

    Takes a shot. if another support member comes in the channel and says nothing

    Take a shot. If you had to help someone make a account on Olympus

    There's probably more but this is what I got off the top of my head for this game

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Hmm 1
  2. 2 hours ago, nikoteen said:

    Yeahhhhh hmm, sorry to break it to you but the only armed vehicles that are in the server currently are;

    Aerial Vehicles:

    [Obtained by Blackwater Robbery] Armed Huron (6.5 mm Passenger Guns)

    • Price: TBD by the Seller

    [Obtained by Blackwater Robbery] Ghosthawk (6.5 mm Passenger Guns)

    • Price TBD by the Seller

    [Obtained by purchasing at the main Airport] Armed Plane (7.62 mm Pilot Guns)

    • Price: 1 Million

    Land Vehicles:

    [Obtained by purchasing at any Rebel Outpost] Armed Jeep (5.56 mm Gun) [Can be sling-loaded by PO-30 Orca and Huron & Vehicle loaded by Blackfish Transport]

    • Price: 200 Thousand 

    [Obtained by Blackwater Robbery] Armed Quillin (6.5 mm Gun) [Can be sling-loaded by PO-30 Orca and Huron & Vehicle loaded by Blackfish Transport]

    • Price: TBD by the Seller

    [Obtained by purchasing at any Rebel Outpost] Armed Offroad (.50 Cal HMG) [Can be sling-loaded by PO-30 Orca and Huron & Vehicle loaded by Blackfish Transport]

    • Price: 1 Million

    (To my knowledge that's all I recall if I am missing anything someone please quote me on it, thanks)

    your a buzz killer

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