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Everything posted by Shameless

  1. I got a 7 day for what I said to Peter :P 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      You should be perm'd in my opinion..  Take some time away and really grasp how crazy what you said was.

    3. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      what the fuck did he say

    4. Sonny Asif
  2. Lets go boys and girls.
  3. My game keeps crashing my pc... Idk why
  4. They light and conformable after gaming for a while? I got these g430 and they hurt...
  5. what headset is that?
  6. I mean I helped you out and told you sorry
  7. Your welcome! @Peter Long Also you live by me Michigan right?
  8. No
  9. Who?
  10. a50s, g930, hyperx cloud 2, any sennheiser.
  11. Dead asf..
  12. What are your specs?
  13. Shameless


    HI! My name is Ryan, I'm 16 I come from asylum (2 years) and looking forwarded to fighting cartels, cops, and everyone on Olympus.
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