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  1. Just made a different account on here so people dont get confused


    Account Name:

    Heinz Gormittz

    This one will be going inactive and can be deleted if OS staff want to do so.

    1. Danger


      yeah what Matt said^^^

  2. Several Questions for the Olympus community:

    1. Is it possible to change a profile name? if so, how?

    2. What is the initial cost of a gang warehouse?

    3. What is the cost for every storage upgrade and how many upgrades can you have?

    4. What is upkeep on gang warehouses?

    Thanks for the help if you take time to answer these.

    ~~~Heinz Gormittz, Owner of Heinz's Securities & Equities

    1. BlackJack


      #2: 20mil + with upgrades 

      Sorry only answer I have the rest but idk if I will be right .

    2. PoptartRex



      Submit a general inquiry ticket requesting it

      #4 Depends on how upgraded the shed is. Max of 2.5 mil a month.

  3. It worked! thanks so much!
  4. Was trying to get in this morning, but every time i entered I got this message: "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that was been deleted.A3_Structures_F-EPC_Items_electronics, A3_Structures_F_EPC_Items_Documents" I do not thing it is anything on my end since I haven't touched my Arma folder. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. Quick question: where is the page that I punch in my Arma 3 ID number and get cool stats about my server time and such? I just cannot seem to find that darn page.

    ~Heinz Gormittz

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ksgamer103


      I was wondering about the one on the webpage specifically because I wanted to check other people's stats as well. total game hours and total wealth are two things in particular I wanted to be able to check.

    3. Sociopathic


      @Jesse Exactly like we planned, let me know when you are ready to start the coup d'etat, I know @Talindor is with us.

    4. Fedot
  6. Those of you who play on server one have probably realized that I am not on as often as I once was selling stocks and commodities to people. This can be an issue to my clients who are currently in positions, because they cannot sell/buy as often as they like. If you are currently a client. please know that you can now send trade requests to me via PMing me on the forums. I will try to be in the game as much as I can, but personal life matters are making it difficult to be in there 3 hours a day as I once was. If anyone sees someone complaining about how I'm not on anymore and they cant sell, please notify them that they can PM me @ksgamer103 here in the forums. For those of you who have no idea what this is, Heinz's Investments is a brokerage I started a little more than a month ago that allows you to place trades in real life stocks and commodities. You can chose a stock or commodity, and tell me how much you want to invest in it, then I will tell you how many contracts/shares you can buy, and what the commission fees are. Once you are in, you can sell for a higher price for a profit, or for a lower price for a deficit. You can contact me at any time to get your money back with that profit, or that deficit added/subtracted to the total return.
  7. Talk to Old Man Watermelone for that. He takes investment requests into that sort of thing.
  8. 40 clients and counting
  9. 22 and counting...
  10. #FreeHeinz
  11. Hey Cheese, you cant be on the Jury. You're one of my witnesses ok? I need you as an eyewitness. Try to find me in game before the trial and ill get you hooked up with my lawyer. I would like everyone to know that I am completely innocent in this, and I only want to encourage capital growth with my clients. See ya'll on Thursday!~~~ Heinz Gormittz- falsely accused It would be cool to have someone record the proceedings then post them on the forums after the trial.
  12. lol, well apparently 14 people and counting don't think so.
  13. $174,000 for the shares + $100 for commission. It would be another 100$ if you wanted to sell. Well, I'm not KI, I'm not a ginger, and I don't see the point in running off with people's money if it is more profitable to hold people's money honestly and make money off commissions. If you want evidence if my honesty you can ask CheeseGrater on server one. Also know that I've played on Olympus for over 2 years and I've never robbed anyone.
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