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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. So typically the majority of people in a fed. We're simply taking the apd advice to heart, you guys always say to get more people and we do. It wouldn't be a free BW if your apd would stop troll pushing and using the tools that seniors have at their disposal. AGAIN, it was brought up during a staff meeting and was approved by the necessary powers. That's because this is pretty much the old SDAR system which was evidently abused and was changed as a result. No doubt this is going to be abused just like how SDAR's were
  2. Bump, 1st huron on reserve, 2nd is still up for 12m
  3. TLDR: Cops pissy about civs stacking feds and bw's when the apd have told civs to do so, and make the biggest gray rule update I have ever seen LUL
  4. I mean sapd clearly isn't putting any effort in, especially when apps like this get accepted If you want civs to not be able to win while they are already stacked, the problem lies with the dogshit leaders on cop.
  5. Bro you just remove the retards that refuse to listen to you? What is so hard to understand about that?
  6. Imagine pushing an apd buff after civs win feds for 3 days after stacking a retarded amount of civs.
  7. If only sapd had a way to remove people that don't listen
  8. Or, "How to correctly push a fed/bw instead of slamming the same spot and dying the whole time"
  9. It's funny when APD tell civs to get more people for fed events, and when we do APD buff themselves without bringing it up at a staff meeting LMAO
  10. Gray rule so sapd are unpunishable if they are retarded with it. zzzz
  11. 6 MX tasers 1 MK Taser RPG + 4 rockets DMS Armed Huron Armed Prowler 556 supressor Post offers below or pm with offers
  12. God damn @sploding he put you in a headlock
  13. @P a g e #FreeCasper annnnd ban lifted yall think a ban could stick on me?
  14. While I was a naked with a pdub zzzzz
  15. I gotchu, trynna catch me on a dpi when I was just lagging
  16. eta on senior developer @TheCmdrRex

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