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Everything posted by bummm

  1. bummm


    support team coco right here
  2. Like this has been on my profile forever @Ferris Bueller https://gyazo.com/8a3da52f2625f19fff5c6cdb5eadbd13
  3. I got a warning for saying something like this on the forums once.... it was a joke btw
  4. o7 boss, gonna miss seeing u on cop xD
  5. Barely have ever talked to you but you seem like a cool person, I hope you have a great life ahead of you <3 o7
  6. Like high key though that has nothing to do with it, I am just a nice person. Think what you want... @Jesse I literally support almost everyone's stream I watch somehow. Gotta assume the worst don't ya Just to prove a point to you here ya go https://gyazo.com/bd06692e49d012f9c1ff070f9eeda478 @Jesse
  7. give me 10 mil and u can get it @DyN | Monkey
  8. No we are not, we just want what is best for the community
  9. +20000000000 This partner is straight braindead
  10. Msg me for offers or leave a reply https://gyazo.com/d932cb173f34e24b1083189127d3ba31
  11. bump leave offers below or msg me
  12. msg me for offers or leave them down below
  13. Selling Abdera Meth House MSG me for offers
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