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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Duece

  1. Props to the community for staying together and active for so long. Feels like I'm back every year and the server keeps getting better every time. Thank you to everyone who put endless hours making the server what it is and a blast for the rest of us. Cheers to another great year
  2. These are all great points brought forth. Nice writeup @ thomp62 . I agree 100% with lethals for "senior" PO's at federal events only. I believe this would not only help win a few more events on its own but the main appeal IMO is that it will draw more talent to the APD ranks. As is, many "shooters" don't even consider joining the APD or quit before achieving a rank in which they can be of much influence at federal events. Corp, rightfully so, is very difficult to achieve and if you want to have a life outside of the game and still play civ a decent amount it's not really a viable possibility atm. To these more competitive players I feel the possibility of getting lethals just based off hours and TIG will be seen as something they can realistically achieve and draw more talent to active duty. This shouldn't be super easy to achieve but doable for the average player. I'd say like 150+hours on apd and 30 days TIG or something could be realistic but would need to see what % of PO's have those kind of hours. Can't have 90% of PO's having lethals but also if it's only 5% it won't make much of a difference. 20%-25% sounds like a good median. Either a new rank or just something like Federal Event Guards tags ontop of PO could work. +1 to restricting armor #'s (within reason, hunters aren't very strong anyways) until certain gear i.e. rpgs/zafirs/granits etc. are seen/used as well. This would demotivate/remove the feeling of needing this gear by Civs. There is definitely a big variance in what individual seniors deem proportionate and even 1 bad experience/overpowering from apd for civs will force them to come back stronger next time around. More rules here will help both sides.
  3. As we mark a decade of gaming greatness, I can't help but reminisce on the journey and experiences being apart of this community has given me. From the early days of exploration in kavala as a straight noob rdming everyone, to having my first cartel battles and learning the ropes of oly fighting. The memories made are unforgettable but the friendships and also rivalries made possible by this community is what really sets it apart from any other gaming community out there. I've taken many year+ breaks and am always shocked at the strength of the community and its resilience every time I return. New leadership, new faces, new gangs, new ownership, new staff etc. but none the less the server has always been better in almost everyway and significantly so each time I've returned. That's a testament to the dedication and commitment of everyone involved and I'd say a special shoutout to the development team is deserved. Consistent updates and changes to keep things fresh and always striving to add more content/ease of use has kept old players coming back and attracting new ones all the same and has IMO possibly been the most crucial part of this all being possible. Cheers to 10 years and counting!
  4. Ifrit (360 Smoke) HMG for sale with admin middle man only. Taking offers
  5. Duece

    Ghosthawk FS

  6. Duece

    Ghosthawk FS

    Civilian Ghosthawk for sale. Taking offers.
  7. .
  8. Lul
  9. I'd go 19 mil+ the cop hawk otherwise 20 mil straightup. Don't see a cop hawk in your vehicles.
  10. You mean 120k cause that's all you got in your bank homie. Looks like the casino got you too 8mil to low thx for offer and going all in on a ghosthawk is a very bad idea lmao
  11. Selling civilian ghosthawk Asking $21,000,000
  12. 1mil
  13. 6.5 MIL for house and garage next to it.
  14. 5 mil for the house and garage closest to it
  15. Duece

    WTS DP14 4c

  16. R.I.P.
  17. 687
  18. 37
  19. Any updates?
  20. Sign me up
  21. Def get an ssd for Windows and Arma. I have a 2500k + 970 and 8gb ram and I cannot complain about performance. Ofcourse more fps would be great but an ssd made my game continuously playable. I do use 100% of my ram with ts, shadowplay and Arma running so 16gb might help you for R6 + discord
  22. 2,5
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