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Everything posted by Atonomy

  1. Spent 1100 on it michiganders
  2. Snare get the fuck on, 50 hours to get birthday cake chapo

  3. so was outcast staff dis respect @outcast Hes cool too..
  4. Wym slapping on the kneepads I was genuinely happy for outcast considering he was in my gang you retard and I was calling lil bill my nigga and 2nd not the game you cum rag the forums but nice try again
  5. Because hes my nig* and wanna know why Amen outcast you og hard working mother fucker im proud of you
  6. invalid, half the community would be banned then ;/
  7. Why is he banned, and any possibility of unbanning him ?
  8. Still waiting for peter Long to go to hacker Joels house and beat his ass But Tazing every cop at blackwater/ restraining them with og absence and having cops complain so hard they made a new rule
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cspm6w0PvuShJvggB2O_RXvBJmnd0BZ9AONfeukfM-E/edit?usp=sharing
  10. First paragraphs take Maine bolded points from it . Something that isn't worded different multiple times and study those main points
  11. Oh boy oh boy
  12. Vx raptor .. So what lucki if you can't be remembered for something good he will always be history of Olympus a legend if you must
  13. Well we will see .. I play with nbk backup just9n .. So gg with my team
  14. I like young girls
  15. I wish I was Jewish then I could neck myself
  16. I'd show my setup but don't want to embarrass ya guys Also does anyone want a free gtx 960 I just upgraded also my laptop for 2 grand is coming in everything new although I don't play duel monitor I do have two tho ?? I just don't like it
  17. @Africa I'm actually going for downvotes now ive got 40 in the past day
  18. Yea but mine are true ... haha you gonna come shoot me up no neck looking ass
  19. Chrome has to much background memory usage Oh shit can you teach me
  20. Damn you brought up a meme that I started .. Because I enjoy negative attention ... At least I'm not a fat lard that thinks he's some sort of gangbanger :/
  21. Thought u died ... unfortunate
  22. Ok then what,about all my downvotes??
  23. You don't have to state the obvious God tier
  24. Yea but its not a montage ?? Lol you really pul them in with decent intro and first 2 clips being the only decent ones haha
  25. Ik its pretty shit but.. a lot of these were from when I first started so why not Also.. Wait till the end theres a bonus
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