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Everything posted by Atonomy

  1. its too boring hehe Pinball was the only thing back then hahah
  2. Ye I never been a big sportfan for videogames I play sports and I watch sports but I guess I only like NHL Like in video game wise NFL
  3. Oh wait I remember One of my first games were battlefield Vietnam it was awesome fav map Saigon cuz ik the glitches hahah
  4. Oh Warcraft 3 mhm
  5. Oh I played wolfstein on console
  6. That's awesome never played diablo and got into arma 3 after dayz Yea I played like the stickman games like xgstudios I bet.... I think your mind is a little aged thinking its better than madden hahah
  7. Yea you got me man, I wasn't even born in 95 so I don't know what that had to be like Well I refer to the warcrafts as wow aswell
  8. Your either a young buck or you just got a pc
  9. Ah yes Warcraft was the shit, never played diablo though and I don't know what tibia is When there are twelve views but no one balls enough to post first pc game, they are to embarrassed they played club peguin
  10. Single player: age of empires and wow Mutiplayer: crossfire and combat arms If a dude sais pirates 101 ima slap you
  11. Hyperx for some affordable
  12. Wow your post sounds like what everone else is thinking
  13. Hope it gets better
  14. O dpm Rate on the dms
  15. Oh god I lost money then whole po set for 300k or 350k with ammo
  16. Lol most random thing ever but I understand hahah I cant wait
  17. Oh man right@ back at ya
  18. lol
  19. hahaha the Hilary one was bad
  20. lol dayum
  21. Well it doesn't hurt anything like now that man markers are gone I mean. Theres no point to look at a specific place, Idk I don't think its that much of a struggle
  22. This post makes me laugh
  23. lol long day
  24. So ive posted many things but yet I havnt got moderated and I don't plan to. Ive posted about fingering a girl early in the morning lol. and simple things but yet what is the craziest thing you all have got moderated for
  25. I think we all know dis
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