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Everything posted by Atonomy

  1. Honestly I see no need like for a moonshine house I would want the house to be like dp 13 at least I don't know about right there that is really close, if people are camping that your screwed kinda idk and its so far away from everything
  2. Here I am thinking this is ingame so I'm confused af Like how am I gonna make profit
  3. I think its crazy to see how it was going to be implemented and how it actually settled in and its still good, I just wish like epi pen money was distributed between medics and stuff even though I think medics already make quite a profit Maybe if we had a banks in each spawn city money could build up there, Like each town has taxes that go to that bank and
  4. + mrco
  5. <?
  6. Basically what happened is (yager the old leader now its squid) was suppose to leave a month + ago and be sacrificed to the great tree but it never happened and recently he just got on one day and took 20 mill out of gang funs and never said anything and later told squid this is your group now have fun this 20 mill is my cut. Well they all split up after that idk why prob to do with that and then they all changed to Mob Money over Bitches
  7. I play on default cause yea but change in you're setting of like steam files
  8. If you are medic and you already have to worry about two characters I would just consider playing vigi instead of applying for apd if you wearnt medic I would tell you to apply for apd instead but yea. Consider this, Joce has 70 + mill he comes on and just vigi's
  9. Look I got c's or below my whole highschool and I will tell you what foods is easy but you have to bring in your own stuff and debating on your families budget it might be hard to get things you normally don't buy and I took marketing it was so easy
  10. Because it changes each month for different goals
  11. Ok cause I think I might help complete a lot of that goal cause I would rather rob for exclusive gear
  12. How much do I have to donate to meet the full goal of this month? Just wondering
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