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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. When you been up all night and you realize its 5am and you work at 7am, and then you realize armaaaaaaaaa and call in sick-_-

  2. ItsGG

    Man Down!

    R.I.P yung pipe god
  3. ItsGG

    Key Chains

    Did someone say free?
  4. If you saw the amount of times the APD have been purposely logged on, it is hard to not send tjhose bones to jail xD, although i normally contact a gang member or a person with whom was with the logged player to find out if they're coming back. IMO if you happen to log after you get tazed and restrained and its NOT on purpose.... then you are quite unlucky as that never looks good and some officers would rather not deal with waiting to see if you're coming back.
  5. 1. IGN: Aunt Jemima 2. How did you find Olympus?: Started off on asylum making money by excavating ships with @Hot Pocket and @Dante Fleury then we realized asylum is sheit and I followed them here. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Owning Tanoa back in NERDZ
  6. ItsGG


    Again thank you for actually answering my post, all I wanted was an answer as to whether or not it could be done and if it was a good idea. I guess it might be a bit of a privacy issue if everyone's times were available for everyone to see, although I personally don't see it as a big issue it does make sense. Just thought I'd post an idea @TheRealKyle
  7. ItsGG


    Yes I understand that I can do that, but I was asking why its not simply easier to let everyone see the times instead of going through the trouble of pestering a senior member to look up your minutes. I just thought it would be easier for everyone if we all had access to our minutes. And thank you for the semi supportive/helpful response
  8. ItsGG


    I don want to take time off I simply want to see my minutes to know whether or not I need to play on the faction and that I'm never sure if I hit the required minutes
  9. ItsGG


    Yea your total time is listed in game what good does that help if I want to know my times in a week? and some people who actually do shit in their lives can't always get their minutes in all the time, I was hoping for a more professional and supportive response on this post coming from the chief of police as I was simply asking if it could be done and that it would be greatly appreciated if it could be implemented. Disappointing.
  10. So, I've just been wondering lately as I haven't been too sure if I've been getting my minutes in on cop and medic, as to why the lower ranking members of the APD and R&R can't view their minutes on those factions like sergeant+ and supervisor+ can. Now I'm not sure if its just too hard to do or if you senior members prefer not to let the lower ranking members know if they have their minutes in for that week, but I feel it would be greatly appreciated if we could actually see with our own eyes if we have gotten enough minutes in for that particular week. I know some people who are very active on cop and medic know that they will always have their minutes, but for less active members like myself I'm always trying to make sure I have my minutes because I don't want to lose my tags for inactivity and I generally can't always find a senior member who will tell me my minutes too often and even if I do find one I'm sure it's not on the top of their list. Let me know if I'm the only nigga who would appreciate being able to see my minutes and if its even possible @G.O.A.T. @Muthinator
  11. Just wanted to say that today was probably one of my favourite days on the server when it comes to cartels, fought for about almost 4 hours straight and there was very little roaching and people actually pushed. Just wanted to say thanks for the big ass fights and to everyone who fought! Haven't been fights like today in a while hope theres more to come
  12. ItsGG


    is it sad that I watched the whole video?
  13. Actually all the cool kids have rather been on two things: Horse tranq or pop rocks. Not sure what you been smoking fam.
  14. @Dog I have the exact same cpu and I ALWAYS texture bug with 8GB ram and a gtx960, I think its time for us to upgrade my friend
  15. @JuanDeaged @DJ Probiscus when mans steals your idea LOL ily Juan <3
  16. Yes i understand that but no one confirmed it that im aware of and i wanted a yes or no answer xD Thanks for letting me know, sadly i need a new pc
  17. I understand Arma 3 now has 64 bit available, and I was just wondering if Olympus is actually using it yet. I've heard some people say its using 64bit and others say its not, I was just hoping for a confirmation as I still tend to get the massive frame drops and have texture bugged multiple times. I hope Olympus isnt using 64bit yet cause that means my pc is just shit
  18. if this happens NSM better watch the fuck out xD
  19. oh, well then senior APD rip those forum tags
  20. LOL you think my RP is bad?? You're AN APD MEMBER and yet you were still being a salty shit dick and making RP even harder by practically quoting rules in that smart ass tone of yours. Not many APD members are going to be able to put up with your shit much longer, whether its constantly tazing cops every chance you get or quoting rules with next to no RP then complaining about the quality of the RP. I'm not tryna cuss you out, but with the way youve been acting lately its hard no to.
  21. Well from my experiences on civ, cop gear has always been a rarity not like black water gear but still much rarer than your average rebel weapons. Now that cops can be restrained people are stocking up on cop gear like no tomorrow and are acquiring it 10x faster. The sad part is majority of the people who are constantly robbing cops aren't even using the gear themselves, they're auctioning it on the forums :/ so now you dont have to earn cop gear and go through the troubles of 3 to 1ing a cop you can simply taze his ass and take his shit. Not just this but playing cop in kavala has been next to unbearable as vigis ARE EVERYWHERE and you are guaranteed to get tazed by someone within the hour. Aside from that I can pretty much tolerate playing in any other city and get tazed every once in a while. Maybe there should be a limit to an individual tazing and restraining cops, instead of just individuals ( say i tazed and restrained a cop and took him hostage I couldnt do it again to ANY APD members for 30 mins)
  22. didnt even get to shoot shit with it.... #depressed
  23. Find me on my minecraft server bitch.
  24. Irrelevant. Get off my thread bitch <3
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