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Everything posted by Lantik

  1. I dont think you are telling the whole story... We are here to listen if you want to tell it.
  2. Whats the best server for cqc or koth?
  3. Lantik


    whos at a billion dollars?
  4. TRUE thats prob the best spot. I think casino would be fun too over near 130%
  5. im excited hope i make it in one of the spots!
  6. Lantik


    that was good i enjoyed watching it
  7. Lantik


    sad day i guess
  8. Looking for people to play valorant with! LMK if interested!
  9. I will think about it
  10. careful what you wish for because you might just get it
  11. XD im sure the civs wouldn't mind!
  12. I agree I think lowering the price for profile songs is a good idea. What would the harm be with having a few more people with songs on their profile? Maybe make it champion teir or Elite tier.
  13. how much and which server?
  14. But the thing is it would make pour people more poor and not really effect the rich @Panda :)
  15. We would definitely want the money to go to someone not just disappear into the nether void
  16. No thank you, where would the money go to? Would there be a cartel for taxes? There is a lot of questions we would need to discuss.
  17. Good luck selling the Ghosthawk! everyone wants one.
  18. Doing a 200 mil bet isnt the smartest thing to do if u ask me
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