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About Mozehh

  • Birthday 12/29/2000

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  • Olympus Gang
    Bad Company
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  1. +1 a lot of ppl just sit and bet all day and dont make money any other way
  2. make this longer than an hour no one is going to be on except the weirdos who have nothing else to do.
  3. I finally got to 5 mil off of doing runs and other shit then I decided to go into Kavala and bet and that was the worst mistake I have ever made. I am now bankrupt.
  4. Who do you guys have winning the NCAA tournament this year?
  5. says the guy who just got banned for RDM the other day, and also I don't even go to pyrgos lmao
  6. Honestly probably the dumbest shit I've ever seen lmfao
  7. Don't know who this kid is, and I hope I never know who he is. All I see is bad shit about him on the forums and that hes 12 lmao
  8. Mozehh

    Vig Shop

    Never RDMd you bro
  9. Lets be honest here, whats the odds of someone hitting you while you're in a blackfish. If the price got lowered everybody would have one and it'd be stupid as fuck. If anything the price needs to be raised.
  10. I'm playing as a vig and I have got multiple people with 500k+ bounties and I can't turn them in cause it doesn't give me an option at the vig shop. When will this be fixed?
  11. Nothing else is going to help me cause, I've tried messaging Muthinator trying to explain because he's the one that blacklisted me but he won't respond. So I don't think sitting on my ass all day and doing nothing about it is going to help either.
  12. Why would you apply when you're 15 anyways you fucktard
  13. You know what really sucks? Being blacklisted for medic when you didn't even get a chance to take the test or even be a medic because of something you did in your past. Idk if you Sr. medics realize, but people change..
  14. Mozehh


    Is there anyway to get rid of a taxi license?
  15. Mozehh


    I kinda feel like that'd get me banned...
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