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  1. Any gangs need a player since abssent is not on the gang list for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. nah synthetic is ok, but honestly trig verification's make me want to hang my self. fucking 3 hours of this crap
  3. A shit Olympus player duh I mean who else would I be.
  4. This is so funny what a topkek meme one gang that is from asylum (sorry correction one from GTA and one from asylum) trying to get another to not be allowed to fight in gang wars lmao m stop bitching please
  5. Honestly thanks for th fights even though we lose to you more than we win I love fighting people who are not shitters
  6. LMAO what is this
  7. Mud huts are stronger than the normal buildings takes about 7-10 hits to kill through one
  8. Is the dp25 house still for sale looking for one?
  9. I am in new kings and can agree it feels real bad
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