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Everything posted by Deathtripper

  1. The first place you'll find is a sleaze-pit called Bartertown. Now if the earth doesn't swallow you up first, that place sure as hell will!

  2. IMO , Risk vs. reward, I'd have jail time increased if I had it my way. lol .
  3. I'm scared, Fif. You know why? It's that rat circus out there. I'm beginning to enjoy it.

    1. DeathDingo


      Did you join the Circus again? I know it's that time of year m8

  4. Hands up drop the turkey.... Happy Thanksgiving Olympus

    1. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      haha I will not drop this turkey on this day of gluttony! <3

  5. How does this work? It seems like it shows the position of everyone around you on the map, and the direction they are facing even?

    1. SPBojo



  7. I'm gonna get my grade 10.. Make my words.

  8. My name is Max. My world is fire. And blood.

  9. Thanks all, Very helpful info.. I'll post a few choices i have been looking at here in a bit.. Been learning to overclock in the meantime..
  10. Thanks for all the replies, all helpful. I am looking quite hard at the I5 4690.
  11. Ahh ya i just remembered that.. LOL No biggie, too poor atm for two video cards anyhow..
  12. Thanks for the input so far, I'd say $400.00 - 500.00 tops, Used parts are always an option, also SLI is not that important to me.
  13. Need Advice on components to buy so i can better play Arma, I currently have Q6600 2.4 / XFX 780i / 4gb ddr2 800 (OCZ) / EVGA 750TI.. I am on a budget, not sure price point yet, negotiable.. Looking for CPU / Motherboard / Memory What should i look for.. Remember best bang for buck, And upgradeable in the future, BUUUT... I wanna play Arma smoothly, not the crap 10-15fps maybe 20 on a good low pop day.. Thanks in advance for any insight.
  14. I ain't Captain Walker. I'm the guy who carries Mr. Dead in his pocket.

  15. Listen for screams.
  16. Hope to be playing with you all soon, life is busy! :)

    1. DeathDingo


      u chasing roo's again m8

  17. Braaaaaaap ! Sevenfive !

  18. Cold Yuenglings ! Pew Pew Pew !

  19. LOL, no but it's funny someone does.
  20. I frantically tried to abort the launch sequence on the update but failed. :/ lol
  21. Ninja ~
  22. In the test server .. come play

    1. DeathDingo


      Was good testing with you. I'll be back on in a couple hours to do more.

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