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LmFaOExde3 last won the day on March 17 2018

LmFaOExde3 had the most liked content!

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  1. @Rusty fucking wasteman

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rusty


      and your a scruff who lives in a council house. cba talking to you now your a waste of time.

    3. LmFaOExde3
    4. andrewfam


      yea, a scruff who lives in a council house!!!!!!!! ROASTED

  2. inb4 prime lose to BW in first round
  3. Like anyone actually cares haha
  4. Draft would be good if people like Jaconite.dribbleswhenhespeaks didn't exist. Sadly he does, so that's a no from me. No need to fix something that isn't broken. Been gagging for a gang wars since I wasn't allowed to play in the last one. ^ more for me to steal
  5. Was the joke too difficult for your suicidal emo ass to understand?
  6. Best Shot: Jimbo Best Driver: Jimbo (Hands down best ifrit driver I've ever seen) Best Heli Pilot: Jimbo (made some great vids of him hotdropping back in the day) Best Officer: Chief of Police - Corporal Wheelchair Best R&R: Any MC medic. Only revive their own gang so +1 to them Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Yung GarethBatty back in the day Best RP'r: GarethBatty back in the Good Ol' GTA days Most Tactical: Alpha Male Jimbo Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Everyone I talk to cuz I don't associate with no gaylords Most Reliable: Jimbo Most Dedicated Player: Tiger, plays 20 hours a day everyday. He even takes his pc to school and bezzes out a couple meth runs in class xd
  7. Okey Dokey, I thought you might have been referring to me. I get that a lot, ty. wp in gang wars. I'm out.
  8. who is it that you think cheats in complexity?
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