I am looking at a house to buy but i am wondering if the house itself will save if i buy a new one. Is that fixed or naw? Virtual inventory is "Y" inventory and when you buy a house, you start out with 100, then you can windows key on the house and buy upgrades for it (bigger the house, the more upgrades you can get but also more expensive) Crates are for "I" inventory. You buy them at the general store and place them down, then it save gear you store in there. The size/cost of the house can allow you to hold more crates. Also, if you have multiple houses, say a $2.2 million house that can hold 4 crates, and a $750k house that can hold 1 crate, you can put all the crates into one house or split it any other way you would like between those houses. The prices for houses are 500k for a garage, 750k for a small house (can hold 1 crate), 1 mil for a 1 story house that has a decent size(can hold 2 crates), 1.5 mil house for a 2 story house(can hold 3 crates), and 2.2 mil for an even bigger house (can hold 4 crates)