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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. ^^ lil bit easier for everyone
  2. Fed/Breaking people out of prison is not meant to be easy... Also, just because it is a big gang does not mean it is a free jailbreak/fed. SOME gangs can do it because they often communicate well. I have seen a lot of feds and jails where the gang heavily outnumbers the APD but still lose because the gang is inexperienced and does not communicate well (ie. half the gang watching gate 2, other half watching gate 3. No one/very few on gate 1 when all APD pushes in through gate 1, etc). A few people can do it on their own if they time it right and are very skilled. Also, very few lone wolfs get up to such a high bounty because they dont have any backup if they get cornered/caught to save them before they get sent to jail.
  3. Dont forget about the Deputy only Blackfoot
  4. NOO!!!! you think you will come back?
  5. lol, poor Tree
  6. Come back soon. Have not played with you a lot but you were fun as hell!!
  7. because in Altis, people are born without DNA and dont have a real face. ;D Just messin with ya but I think it would be rather hard for someone to convince people that you just "dont have DNA." Also might help to try to explain more instead of just repeatedly shouting "No i'm an alien so i dont have a face, I am an illegal immigrant too!!" over and over again. I was in a tower trying to listen to the conversation you guys were having and I could not really hear my fellow officer over you screaming those too things XD
  8. XD watched that about 20 times
  9. got a 2 mil ticket? no problem, just use the business suit to pay your ticket using swag
  10. sorry, meant to say the business suit does not give an advantage
  11. Eh, I like the tron suit and business suit being a rare(ish) sight. Does not give an advantage either
  12. This is so accurate it's scary
  13. There are big bold letters on APD cars that say "POLICE" ... Also, it does not matter if you are using a "Hunting rifle" to kill cops, it is getting seized.... Maybe they can get away with keeping it if someone is really in the hunting grounds really hunting with it, are compliant with the officers, etc... but often people complain when you dont let them keep their guns because of excuses like "No, my 90 year old grandmother just made it so you cant take it!!" or "I am a NATO soldier (often with a CSAT weapon) with a contract to kill you for no reason"... and lets not forget the all famous "No, that officer right there must have died from someone else because this is an air soft rifle so you have to let me keep it!!" You get out what you put in. If you make bad excuses, you dont get a break...
  14. So just report the hell out of everyone? There are often new players who dont even know there are rules... I do my best to help the out in a polite manner and RP it as best i can because often times newer players dont even know the server has rules
  15. Isaac Newton shows us a flawless impersonation of combat loggers XD
  16. Later Danny!! Hope you come back soon.
  17. I have video evidence that proves you are very wrong...
  18. I am looking at a house to buy but i am wondering if the house itself will save if i buy a new one. Is that fixed or naw? Virtual inventory is "Y" inventory and when you buy a house, you start out with 100, then you can windows key on the house and buy upgrades for it (bigger the house, the more upgrades you can get but also more expensive) Crates are for "I" inventory. You buy them at the general store and place them down, then it save gear you store in there. The size/cost of the house can allow you to hold more crates. Also, if you have multiple houses, say a $2.2 million house that can hold 4 crates, and a $750k house that can hold 1 crate, you can put all the crates into one house or split it any other way you would like between those houses. The prices for houses are 500k for a garage, 750k for a small house (can hold 1 crate), 1 mil for a 1 story house that has a decent size(can hold 2 crates), 1.5 mil house for a 2 story house(can hold 3 crates), and 2.2 mil for an even bigger house (can hold 4 crates)
  19. Well... it is Kavala XD
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