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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. Ohhhh meh gawd. Uninstalled so much stuff, cleaned out all the dust in my computer, scanned so many times, reinstalled other things, updated more things, uninstalled and reinstalled again and again, and spent a shit ton of hours and FINALLY got Rocket League running again!!! :D But now the question is, will it work on CS and GMod???

  2. JBruesch


    Ya should crop Ryan out on the right side so you have an even number of em
  3. That awkward moment when you find out War Thunder accepts SubWay Gift Cards for some reason...


  4. They dont demote people for no reason...
  5. @GoodDustin

    Happy Birthday ya lil shit ;P


  6. https://clips.twitch.tv/SuspiciousConfidentTubersSaltBae

    Hacker brought back some memories of what Kavala was always like pre-wipe

  7. Get out your popcorn boys, the show is about to start :Kappa:

  8. No donor sticker?????????????? Wow, you just hate everyone, don't you. Gimme your kidney *Moistens lips*
  9. https://www.twitch.tv/noxxid3

    Charity stream has started, come check it out!! :D

  10. 0Ch7Rxk.png

    Dafuq is this shit???????? He has my kidney, I demand he be removed from staff until I get my kidney back!!!

    Jk, congrats @Isaac Newton and @goodman (Thanks Fedot, ya broke his tag) on Badmin :Kappa::Kappa::Kappa:

  11. I have a problem, I keep going to different streams then cheering so the bot says "Bill Nye The Science Guy!!! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!"

    It's beginning to become an obsession at this point

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeadPool


      @Poseidon wtf did I just watch?

    3. JBruesch



      I was kinda scared, but then Bill came back and once I saw him, he comforted me

    4. Dangus


      @Poseidon just scarred me for life.

  12. I am the new and improved @SPBojomTDfAfX.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo


      hehe xd Discount Bojo :Kappa:

    3. JBruesch


      Yeah, I don't have enough Perms to be the new @SPBojo :Kappa:

    4. SPBojo
  13. This be them Piggies when they see a Truck when the Driver isn't wanted, but they know they are doing an illegal run
  14. I'll give ya a dollar for it
  15. Update: It's starting at 4pm Cst
  16. Ey everyone. First off, I want to say how proud I am that many of us Americans (yes, I just assumed your homeland ) can always work together and support each other in the shittiest of times. As of right now, the country is still somewhat divided over the election and all the fallout because of it. But one thing nearly all of us can agree on is that the veterans and the families of veterans who have fought and died for our nation have gone through too damn much to be forgotten about. Some need a little helping hand to get back on their feet, and I am happy to see that an old friend of mine, who is currently in the United States Army, is going to be doing a 24 hour stream as a fundraiser to help out the families of veterans. It will be starting on the 29th and I'll see if I can get a specific time, but I only saw brief message on his Snapchat story. I just sent him a message a few minutes ago, and I am waiting for him to get back to me, but I am just trying to get this out there asap to get it to as many people as possible, but once he gets back to me, I will update you with a bit more info, such as exactly where any funds raised will be going and around what time it will start. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and if I don't know the answer it, I will try and ask him right away. If you could, it would be very much appreciated if you would stop by. Even just saying hi to show a bit of support is a huge help, but if you can spare a bit of change to go towards the families of veterans, it would be very much appreciated as well. Also, i one of the staff wouldn't mind, would you put his stream up on the website on the 29th? Here is the stream --> https://www.twitch.tv/noxxid3 <-- Hope to see you there!! TL;DR --> I have a buddy in the Army who is doing a 24 hour stream fundraiser for the families of vets. We would love it if you would stop by to show your support!!
  17. Happy Birthday to @Jendrak the legend. Maybe some day you will check the forums again and check in ;D

  18. 1. APD (higher ranks): Jordan is pretty dank (love you too Lucky, plz no spankings). 2. APD (lower ranks): To keep it outside the gang, DeadPool. 3.MEDIC (higher ranks): Tman, he's my dad, how could I not pick him???? (Sorry Isaac, but I know you agree with me, also plz no spankings) 4.MEDIC (lower ranks): There are other Medics than Tman and Isaac??? 5. Vigillantes: None, they are all rats 6. TAXI drivers: Marty, and if anyone disagrees, I demand a duel against you in Kavala
  19. Gotta use it or ur a rasist!!!


    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      I don't get it. Is it making minority's pay less or is it splitting the bill based on what people bought. 

    2. DeadPool


      Did you just assume my pay grade?

  20. Awwww sheiiiiiiittttt

    Merry Berthmas @DeadPool1337 ya lil shit

    I was looking for a video to put with this with a really fuckin weird Happy Birthday song, but the one I found scares me to much, so I'm burning my computer after this post and I'm going to be crying in the feeble position in my room for about a week trying to forget the video

    1. Dangus


      Link or it didn't happen

    2. DeadPool
  21. They used 2 of my pics for billboards but I never got paid for it, comp or ban
  22. bFkGq0W.png

    staff gets paid confirmed

    no excuses you lil shits


  23. Did you think of doing a quick 30 second search for the 700 other posts that have been made about this?
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