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Turtle Chris

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Everything posted by Turtle Chris

  1. wake up ramen
  2. Congrats on Mod!

    1. Ramennoodles


      My boiiii, make me proud baby :wub:

    2. Lucas K

      Lucas K

      congratz buddy!!!!!!

    3. Danger
  3. Sell drugs I mean babysitting or something...
  4. Nope, I personally didn't notice a difference in loading times.
  5. I switched my Memory allocator to JEMalloc_bi, haven't gotten the texture bug since.
  6. what
  7. Arma 3 uses your computer's default mic, make sure the default is set to your TS mic.
  8. ur not a good gift
  9. GTX 1060
  10. hockey's overrated -vancouver
  11. I've actually been thinking of this too, would be a nice addition as I've seen many people combat log, and it's quite annoying when they had a decent bounty too.
  12. Instead of uploading these pics, why don't you get on R&R?
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