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Everything posted by SixNain

  1. I personally like COC Yellow boxes better, Plus it also has Makos admin menu included, you know, the one he uses to esp?
  2. Ion like it I just use liviona light mod cuz it helps see through smoke sometimes but I may b on crack
  3. ill do it i just gotta get 50 mill first
  4. I can comwirm that @ jmcan is chweating. He shwared his scween and i saw gween bwoxes and a wogo on the twop wight that said "Wokka.cc". He is 100000% chweating and shwould be bwanned winstantly! Scwummy CHweaters man they wruin the gwame!!!!!!!!
  5. poor kids ;(
  6. 600k and a brand new green hatchback (none sport)
  7. no shit sherlock
  8. Im pretty sure when you buy proofcore you get 2 free perm ban passes. not sure if that promotion is still available tho
  9. Pretty much, smokes remind you of a smurf movie, cartel fighting is slowly dying off, conquest is popping but smoke ruins it.
  10. Please get hit by a bus full of orphans.
  11. I too am straight, unless your name is @ xxdausxx
  12. which one of you admins was the one that deleted my sexy bee movie script reply? who ever did that your mean!
  13. SixNain

    wtb dms

    if u got one i can offer 3.5 for it.
  14. Pm offers
  15. Dont get my hopes up ;(
  16. idk how much they go for but ill pay 6.5m
  17. Idc any offers
  18. ill take a jeep aswell idc
  19. reply or pm offers. Support team middle man of course.
  20. yall just mad americans have more brain cells
  21. ping
  22. no im getting one to spawn in and kill silla
  23. WTB Kav house as close to square as possible. WTB Kav house as close as possible to gun store. Reply/dm with location and price and Ill dm if interested.
  24. if ur gonna add a casino heist make some shit like gta where shits actually worth not some stupid shit like the art gallery.
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