Olympus has a better production value for the stream (except the casting) and overall the tournament is run pretty well. With that said, I would rate Asylum Gang Wars better for the more competitive players. Bo1 doesn't mean much and every game is played at a poor 1 sided location. Plus, I really hated how the admins forced players to constantly run out of cover to get inside the zone. Only strategy you needed for the map was get the better starting side and rush to the middle where all you had to do was wait for the zones to get smaller and wait for players to run out of cover. If this was actually fighting at cartels where you can see some unique strategy's used (look at how NV destroyed most teams at OG Arms in Asylum Gang Wars) and not this bs sitting in houses hoping someone walks by. Systemchips used poor wording when he said it was unfair, this Bo1 format just doesn't show who are the more dominate teams. Overall, I would recommend this tournament only for more casual players because of how its setup to where any gang can win if they get lucky. Congrats to MC on the win and it was a fun tourney to watch. (except those high af ESPs they were using)