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Everything posted by TM_

  1. KEKW.
  2. lmao
  3. Even in formation the APD couldn't shoot us out of the sky though. lol
  4. Wait we had formations? lmao
  5. TM_

    That girl Lea

  6. When 14 man APD wipe several times to Gate 1 defence:
  7. He's CTF so its most likely S1.
  8. Quote me accurately please, no paraphrasing. You two already said as much when you two ranted on me saying you guys have a tactical approach of a retard who sticks his knob into a pencil sharpener because hitting the ONLY OCCUPIED Gate at a Fed for 5 waves is retarded and you cry about it combined with the later pharma you wouldn't answer comms (to which we even assumed you were hostage at one point), but it proved your double standard when you started being toxic to me repeating prior comments while on Civ back a week and a half ago. If you are threaten to take away someone's whitelist, demand they not say that shit around new officers to undermine "your authority" and then say shit about it next time you run into me in-game then what do you expect.
  9. Those who take on the role of senior members of a faction should be more mature and not be toxic spergs and sort shit out before making more work for the admins.
  10. This peaks volumes about the mentality of some of those who are sAPD.
  11. Last time I checked it was you came into a support case already being handled by another admin and you turned feedback into a arguement because of difference in opinion, you kicked me from the support channel because were childish and pigheaded and then I was moved back in and apologized to by staff after you left the channel. If you respected me then that wouldn't have happened. wtf you even on about?
  12. The way some of you react to feedback or criticism implies it is never a discussion regardless of how professional you try to appear here. At the start I expressed the concern that sAPD should be "more hands on with mentoring" because no one took the time to patrol because sAPD only log in when every jumps channel to Fed/BW. Since two select sAPD threatened to blacklist me of being critical of them being arrogant cunts after a Pharma and Fed a few weeks back I don't bother communicating anymore (You all know who I am referring to; I am not saying they did a absolute shit job, them just sitting in a hidden channel while on active duty and even after 8 waves into pharma they still didn't consider teamwork speaks for itself). Following that situation they gonna be toxic and taunt me over before said shit and pretend after that there is no bias? Stop pretending. I am spoken down about among sAPD and then you gonna turn face to the otherside preach to me not to be critical. Maybe if some remained professional at the start they would have accepted feedback like anyone else does on the server but instead opt to live in a cesspool of elitism where their fragile ego dictates how to hear feedback and whether it is constructive or not. I found that pledge said it well enough in Noah's interview, he wanted that shit to end because that sepretism breeds a bridge between upper and lower ranks as if lower ranks below are lesser members of the community. I've never asked or think I am deservent of the interview for promotion. I do welcome the exam but all things in good time but although I do suspect I'll not be given the opportunity based on prior treatment because of percieved offences against sAPD and my squad SGT & LT (Rabid and Mita). Because I reposted and lol'd at my Squad SGT's bath meme video now he has hurt feelings towards me ever since and I suspect Mita is still negative about me because I opted to swap over to Civilian instead of being forced to be cop on Server 2. Goat was fine with it at the time, I don't know wtf the problem is though. *shrug*
  13. Was never an arguement, you didn't comment about anything regarding promotions. lol
  14. You are simping for them so yea.
  15. simp more
  16. We all know you guys are biased. One would think that because you guys talk a epic amount of shit on civilians and you could take a little criticism positively.
  17. Because I refuse to suck your cock. lol
  18. Promotion to CPL+ depends on "no gag reflex". xD
  19. - BY N0BEL, S, WOO, TREE, Ti, NBC!
  20. TM_

    R&R Change?

    WTB Medic Events. Do your job and make us some hazmat events that threaten to kill anyone within 1000 feet and an accidental chemical spill! xD
  21. No, there does not need to be a counter nerf. Also, if Civilians are gonna be unfairly nerfed then APD shouldn't complain when a reasonable proposition happens, so stop acting like spoiled brats. Calling someone stupid for proposing Civilians should ought to be able to claim a stolen Ghosthawk just makes you sound like you have your head up your arse, APD get to seize anything illegal so I don't see why not. Criminals ARE THEIVES so if they get their grubby fingers on your shit, you can bet your arse they are going to either convert it to their property or scrap the shit for cash. If you are foolish enough lose a Heli while playing on a faction that has no NLR, unlimited lives and free loadouts then you deserve to lose it and have it paraded around. Only reason why you don't want civilians claiming APD Vehicles/Aircraft is because you shit your panties at the thought of being on the recieving end of what you dished out when losing it in the first place. Just with SAPD's pathetic excuse of not pulling Armoured Vehicles or Ghosthawk/Plane: "I don't want to lose it". TLDR: If someone don't want to lose it then don't pull it out. Risk = reward very much applies to everyone on Olympus so stop being a tightarse.
  22. I would argue there is a huge difference between the decision to take someone on as Moderator and banning someone once or twice for a day or two. You mean besides the fact that that APD ranks are solely based on the lack of gag reflex = potential rank? Maybe start more community meetings and get the police command to socialize with civilian council instead of always being out of reach. Real time discussions between ownership, staff and faction council would do wonders for the community. I say some sAPD need this lecture then Kami. Shatter their fragile ego and they get their panties in a knot (we would probably only see them retreat to their private circle-jerk sessions and turn into a echo chamber and they fester over a few comments like they do when I do it). I cop a APD strike from prejudiced sAPD with the threat of blacklist for making a remark about them and the next instance I meet them in-game many times worse not to mention toxic that i'd argue their mental age is no more then a 6 year old and are so pety to hold it against you in every manner even when you come to them with genuine concerns or feedback through legitimate channels.
  23. What he said below. - - - - - SAPD when they see Nobel driving his jet down the MSR. Keep downvoting me I love the hate.
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