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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Fake news. Simply made it add the amounts sold properly.. the script was made by a random guy. Then modified slightly for Olympus by Poseidon. I've barely touched and don't know shit about how it works really beyond the basics.
  2. Haven't really heard of anyone complaining about it. Seems by far less common. Like Silton said Nvidia may have released a piss poor driver update or something causing the issue. Chances are its out of our realm to fix honestly. Your settings may also be too extreme for your PC and may need to adjust one direction or the other for optimal settings. Either offloading more to your GPU if it can handle it or as someone else suggests offloading to CPU to handle it.
  3. Eh, honestly I do this because I enjoy it. Hence obviously why I'm still here. Like if Dili were to say "Jesse, I'd like to give you $x a month". I'd turn him down. If people were to even pay me/send money the only amount I'd even remotely care to get is just enough to buy an Autonomous desk & possibly even a 3rd monitor. Doubtful on the 3rd though probably just a desk. My current one is on some wood blocks and ziptied together lmao.
  4. Can confirm I have not received a single dollar from any community member, staff member, or owner. My PayPal can also confirm..
  5. Ah see you get it... The only people who know are the 3 people in the channel at the time of decisions (Poseidon, Dili, and I).
  6. $25,000 is a real number yes.
  7. $25,000. You were outbid.
  8. Things will remain quite similar.
  9. Can confirm:
  10. Well aware. If you're robbing them the only way you'd know their money is 1/2'd is if you're here. Also, if you kill them, sucks to suck. It's just what has to be done. Since some of these guys did money pickup dupes/exploits.
  11. Jesse

    hey everyone

    This. And it only gets better. For any questions regarding, reference my signature.
  12. Then the system would not be ideal for you. If you are or were banned you could always ban evade or just not play. As of now 15+ people disagree with you.
  13. Support team. Admins. Moderators. GOAT. Anyone but me really. I just make things really.
  14. I'm not here to answer "what ifs".
  15. How would these restrictions deter or prevent someone from lagswitching again to gain tactical advantages? Or from event disruption?
  16. A lot of people banned for duping/exploiting just end up ban evading and wasting money on alternate accounts. Having some pretty easy restrictions is a lot better than having to hide and purchase additional accounts. At least that is the case for most players and if it's not the case, guess what... they'll keep ban evading or not playing and just stay banned.
  17. Cheating yes. Hacking no. Duping doesn't require an injector... Hacking does. Hacks cannot prevent a player from getting around every single thing this prevents. So no they shouldn't have their case heard. Good scripters are a lot harder to find/catch.
  18. Far from the same. Hacking money uses memory hacks to adjust variables stored in memory. Duping involves all in-game mechanics with nothing really on the outside. Maybe a lagswitch but that's about it. That's fine this is meant to be giving players another chance. Not some "gang life revival"?
  19. Does it say "general assholery"? Gary may decide to amend it later on, however the system was currently developed for dupers/exploiters specifically. As this stuff doesn't deter "general assholery" if you will.
  20. I got a lovebird. My cockatiel passed away spring this year. Also have two dogs. Ones really yappy and annoying. Hate it. Love birds though, wanted a cockatoo for the last like 5-8 years... just don't have the time to dedicate.
  21. His buddy on the hospital roof probably said "Pull out now! They're coming!"
  22. Jesse


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