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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. Yeah was a dope tage clip
  2. Joins Plague ts for 1 day and things he's hard shit. Come talk to me "the pedophile".
  3. This is completely fake lmaooo Don't worry tho. Idk why you would try starting shit with me. All good tho. Maybe not for you tho. Said "tho" ab 30 times but idc
  4. This isn't yours lmaooo I lowkey am curious about cable management of your setups tbh.
  5. No
  6. Never have to do a run again. Just farm points. Buy ifrit. Sell ifrit. Repeat.
  7. I got the popcorn out, GO ON
  8. Are you asking 3 mil each? or together?
  9. The only real way we can see is to try it? What's could possibly happen? Just restart it and do it the old way if it gets bad.
  10. I'm not salty homie. I'm all for it and the idea. But we both know how ppl are on the server. As long as people can be mature ab it everything should roll smooth.
  11. If someone doesn't like a person on their team who says they won't throw on purpose?
  12. 10/10 response
  13. Why don't we just set up a tournament within Olympus, gang wars in a way and set up a bracket. As we do this, Asylum does the same within their server. There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. These guys move on. Top 3 gangs from Olympus then do a draft, same for Asylum. The way the draft will work is, 1st place team elects a captain and he then picks from the 3 gangs. Obviously it will be hard to do since they'd prob like to keep their whole gang. Have to find some better idea for this but you get the idea. Basically forming an Olympus/Asylum All Star Gang and fight it out for a huge reward. This way "throwing" won't be a thing since there will be a reputation on the line of which is better Olympus or Asylum.
  14. Give me a price for the house and I'll offer off of that.
  15. How would you pick the captains?
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