Olympus CSGO League
Season 1
After review of the communities feedback on my most recent post "Olympus League(s)". I am going to take the task of hosting an Olympus CSGO league with help from other members in the community. This post is a very brief introduction on how this league will be run and is basically in place to get roster submissions. Once rosters have been submitted and finalized a formal post explaining the league in full detail will be posted as well as what the prizes will actually be. Hope to have a lot of participants in this event considering I am putting a lot of time into the operation of it.
How it's Set Up:
Would be hosted through Popflash in a league style play.
Once these matches finish, the link to the scoreboard will be submitted by both team leaders to confirm the match
League length depends on how many teams participate.
Select matches will be streamed and commentated.
Since this is an Olympus sponsored event, if you are caught cheating disciplinary action will be taken.
How to Sign Up:
Team rosters must consist of a max of 7 players (2 subs)
Roster submission will be finalized on 5/15/19. No Exceptions!
Players must be a part of the Olympus Community and have at least 50 hours on the server.
Any players that have a VAC ban on their account cannot participate.
1st Place: TBD
2nd Place: TBD
3rd Place: TBD
Roster Submission Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKI7egnRdHpEv3NOWFDxmNRd-w3bo52uJU9MVCZmMTbtUMMA/viewform
By next week I will have all team rosters in a sheet as well as a schedule for the league itself. Each team will play each other a total of 2 times and the top teams (depending on the amount) will go into a playoff at the end of the season. Once matches begin I will have a standings sheet connected to the "Rosters" and "Schedule" sheets to give you guys the most accessible information about the league as possible.