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APD Officer
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Everything posted by L1on

  1. L1on



    Grow up. Youre a fucking loser and maybe if you spent less time running your mouth and improving you might be sucessful. You've quite have never had any real struggle, and honestly being community manager of Olympus is a badge of failure. It shows you've bought your position on here and that's all you really are. An admin that pays to fucking be here. Glad you wear your community manager tag as a badge of failure I bet that really helps on the job apps! You and your mom have it coming 🙂



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zeuse


      @ Ryan  yo where's map design pay? 😒

    3. Excision



    4. Tommy12


      @ L1on pipe down you lispy retard 

  2. o7
  3. Poker I played CS2 last night with @ Rexo and got 1 kill between two games
  4. Not as fast as it took for @ Demi Roze to change his name. Young bull btw he's a crashout
  5. Free Silton from FUHRER MAKO

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      SMH free my gang uniforms from fuhrer @ Mako

  6. Just jerked off to your sister AMA, good looks on blake for hitting me up. Big mushroom rat paying on a truck for 30% apr energy

  7. True. He just needs to retire already
  8. Tommy Rat is my boo

  9. NYPD and CoB
  10. Ayy im fine with getting 3rd place. Im hoping we can get another tourny going again soon shit was fun
  11. https://gyazo.com/a815056dd724e9ca8ede3801a936906f Expecting @ -dante- to ban me once this shows so here we go. Doubling Down
  12. https://gyazo.com/e51c5f6eea30de49543b529623acfbb6 The fact that you try to pin that on this is egregious lmfao holy fucking shit
  13. I like you so lets get along with these metrics

    1. Type03


      no I don’t like you 

  14. Type03 and I are good. Just contributing to dante being a shitty admin
  15. https://gyazo.com/fbe798b374f583897f996de42ee21057 Xlax Dealt with it and you unbanned him. Ill gladly give the other two gyazos out if you admit you fucked up. If I went and asked for your personal info on discord I gurantee you'd perm ban me
  16. Homie sent me my full addy and Dante uplifted it. Sure shows favoritism lmao
  17. Genuinely my bad then, after all the threads recently I just assumed. @ CaloomClark is doing great as a mod
  18. I never made a thread, just made a comment, hello?
  19. Someone sent me my address via discord, said he was gonna show up to my house, while we were ingame. Told him if he showed up to my house that I would shoot him. @ -dante- gave me an acknowledgement warning that if I did that again I'd get a lengthy ban. Make it make sense
  20. L1on

    Still a fag and always will be a fag

  21. Dantes a cunt and will always be a cunt
  22. keep checking on me bitch ass nigga

    1. L1on


      Thanks tommy rat

  23. L1on

    Gotta get your anger under control big man, youre an angry bugger

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