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APD Officer
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About AccountDeleted4Good

  • Birthday 05/31/1985

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. anyone else fix there sleep last night ?

    1. buckie
    2. Noahhh!


      Absolutely not. I stayed up all night worrying about the server getting fried.

  2. easy fix https://www.fbi.gov/tips , offshore means u in states . also Hacking vs DDoS 2 def things, and u script kidding lol aka paying get good
  3. logged off in the water, thanks guysunknown.png

  4. server broke, no Y Menu for  Cars, Houses only through Windows Key


    1. monster


      @Zahzi (t menu on my house only works about 1/15 times you try it, uploading a vid of it rn if you want to see it)

    2. Zahzi
    3. Zahzi


      Will be fixed on restart.

      25 minutes ago, North__ said:

      @Zahzi add my gang uniforms too... their finished and paid for. I can send you the files...

      It's in 😉 

  5. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/262491235342745600/637088691420004352/3953-6849.mp4 might wanna turn down volume my mic vs everyone else is kinda loud so ya time for your nap @grar21
  6. dont worry im rendering now only need the last 10 secs of our conversation to prove ur sh1t And trust im only doing this bc im stuck in teamspeak waiting on my training bc i aces dat test. Not bc your a attention whore.
  7. HAHAHA last 2 kills u raged bc u didnt have a ifrit [video]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/262491235342745600/579696649534963722/0001-0148.mp4[/video]
  8. nah just trying to wrap my head around how fucking stupid you are.
  9. lol nice Posted in here, Didnt say shit to me in Discord just now HAHAHHAAHAHAHA Weak ass
  10. nah child but i like how u took the time to show your 30% win lol .. You like the attention ?
  11. 100% shit talker is all this kid is,,, next
  12. This kid is shit got his ass handed to him then uploads 30% of it HAHAAHAHHA grar ur trash kid
  13. lol funny as hell looking at this years later O God I hope not lol
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