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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 51 minutes ago, The Antichrist said:

    No.  They're taking the time, they're just being retarded. 

    Look at this and tell me I should have been banned for that, separate from all your relationships with staff.. tell me this justified a ban.

    They banned me for that.  And denied the appeal.  Seriously.. just banning to ban.

    Look at this from just a few days later.  

    They made this poor bastard pay comp for that.  

    The staff are doing retarded things just to shit on the community.  I don't think @ Grandma Gary  or @ Fraali     are actually retarded enough to believe either of these situations were rule breaks, but here we are.  Fraali just straight up lied about what's in the video like 5 times in a row while refusing to even watch the video so I could refute what he was saying.  

    This isn't about people being busy, or having lives, or not having time to deal with shit.. it's about them using the time to just ban people for the sake of banning people when they're completely innocent.  

    I highly doubt you care enough to even look at what I'm talking about, and that's exactly why shit's getting this retarded.  Nobody cares.  

    First video, would 100% ban for both. Especially on the second one, where you said await further instructions and proceeded to send them no further instructions. Second video, didn’t watch. 

    • Like 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, The Antichrist said:

    There's been multiple promised donation goals that have never been paid out.  

    CC has been demonstrably disempowered.  

    Staff are not handling ban tickets in good faith and are actively banning innocent players.

    Claxxy and Mako keep deleting and locking channels to censor CC.

    There needs to be a rework.  

    Dono goals were basically non existent the last 3 months. Ones that require dev work will not be done overnight, IE Powerball being an example as it has to go through a lot of checks and balances for functionality considering it has to do with the economy. We do dono goals for features we were thinking about including, but put more of a rush on if clearly the goal is met. Although they are things we have on the board, but do not take priority over Anti cheat updates or anything more crucial. 

    Staff have a life and touch grass. We have staff members that hit 50+ if not more tickets a week. So sorry that they didn’t take the time out of their busy work/family lives to do your ban appeal within a few hours. Unfortunately these are things you don’t see and instead talk about with your tinfoil hat. 

    • +1 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Millennium said:

    I never went around making videos with AI voices of people, but there were MANY things that occured between my group of friends and @ Ryan group of friends…

    There was a point in time that they “wire tapped” our friend group. They had Kedar who we were friends with join our channel and stream his teamspeak to discord so they could all listen in on what we were talking about. That shit is weird as fuck and cringey as fuck. One of our friends got permed off it.

    Keep in mind there were Lead developers, Sr. Developers, Admins, mods, designers, sr. Apd all in on this listening into our convos. Maybe Ryan too idk tho.

    You had people who just became a moderator (headless) dox a 13 year old ( @ maxg ) with a picture from his mothers facebook.

    There we mass Rabid memes made by your truly and everyone else in our group usually with his face. Some of them still linger around (peter griffen have you seen this man’s ears, idiana jones boulder chasing him. The boulder had rabids face on it and indiana was “my IP”, and a lot more.)

    I talked so much shit to Ryan that he hated me, now we’re good. But he was a bias lil cunt towards the beginning of his ownership ^_^.

    Love you too 🥰 BUT IM SPITTING FACTS

    • Like 2
  4. Prizes:

                    COMMON ITEMS

               SPECIAL ITEMS

    Sorry for the massive delay yall. Had a lot IRL going on, thank @ Milo for getting the list rolled,  but if anything is wrong its also his fault ^_^ 

    Make sure to submit a ticket to get your prize 🙂 

    • Like 6
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  5. 2 hours ago, Tman15tmb said:

    I'm all for this. Prevents hackers hopefully. Probably more work for staff though accepting requests.

    Is this just a temporary thing or are we transitioning to this kind of server?

    Temporary fix 

    • Like 1
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  6. If you have not already please review the page here so you can put in a whitelist request. Please be patient while this request is being reviewed as you can generally expect a response pretty quickly.

    Thank you for your interest in playing with us here on Olympus 🙂 

    • +1 1
  7. 7 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    Despawn it, no balls


    7 hours ago, G H O S T said:

    Yall gotta learn to touch grass and keep your mouths shut now no one gets it


    Man did indeed have the balls 🤣

    • Haha 1
  8. 9 hours ago, doubleueyeceekay said:


    the only true and fully comprehensive staff list

    i included myself because i am the shadow senior head admin lead developer who is currently in exile in the ban centre

    i included @ I bought olympus for 50k  as they are the true owner of olympus

    i included @ The Sovereign  because they are the lead journalist and staff internal affairs officer

    i included @ Rufus  as they are chief racism officer currently in exile in the ban centre

    i included @ Boovin  as he is chief truth officer who is currently #free and keeping it 💯💯💯💯

    i will be taking questions on why each staff member is ranked in the position they are

    Fully agree with the @ Milo  decision

    • Haha 1
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