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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 1 minute ago, Nikoteen said:

    Yeah your right we shouldn't be flaming a dead gang sorry.

    Honestly Nikoteen, you were just in our ts yesterday talking about how you want to be in Trident and how you were pissed when you found out we had a new ts that we didnt tell you about. How about you stop being a little girl and shut the hell up on a post that is LITERALLY OFFERING TO SELL HUNTERS, same goes for you @Proud @Savjuage end it, literally so retarded to fight over something as stupid as dead gang life. People play other games, people got lives, people got school, GANG LIFE ISNT IMPORTANT ANYMORE

  2. 1 hour ago, Nikoteen said:

    Yeah oookkk, goodluck retard.


    34 minutes ago, Nikoteen said:

    Alright cause buying a hunter for a mill is not stupid, ok sounds good even though you buy Ifrits for 800k alright then sped sounds good Lmao.


    28 minutes ago, Savjuage said:

    You cant buy hunters anymore u downie I think they go for a bit more than a mil and just stop commenting stupid shit on people's posts

    @Creepy @xDRO keep you dog on a leash cause all I see is "Gang - Blackwater Inc"


    27 minutes ago, Proud said:

    I think I know why your over reacting like the lil bitch u are, ur signature says it all

    "Gang: Blackwater Inc"


    25 minutes ago, Creepy said:

    You boys need to chill, like seriously dont understand why your still beefing, shut the hell up and leave my boys in BW alone.

    • Like 1
  3. I lost a 14mil house to an RDM'er, dont see me complaining. Next time prepare yourself for a situation like this, because im sure the admins have over 100 RDM reports as is to handle right now, and they wont have the time to sort through all the logs and remove houses.

    4 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

    All I hear is Organo say "I hear 16 different footsteps" then you hear his background audio and his screaming "THERES SO MANY PEOPLE THEY ALL ARE SHOOTING" "Im pretty sure they all just RDM'd"


    Can only imagine :Kappa:

  4. 7 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:


    1. If an officer is taken hostage, lethal force is authorized in order to recapture the officer.


    Just to clarify

    So basically only Corporals can lethal a hostage taker without going through the specific set of waves and/or being outnumbered? As well as PO's still go through the regular tazer rounds unless situation isn't "resolvable" by tazing?

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