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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 9 minutes ago, dellshark said:

    stop spewing numbers when you guys dont have the evidence.

    I am? Thats wild, cause those numbers are public. Lets take a look 🙂

    Server 1:

    Public Link with stats:


    Amount of UNIQUE new players in the last 7 days - 968, averaging it at about 138 new players daily

    Amount of TOTAL players online in the last 7 days -  4,494, averaging about 642 players a DAY

    Server 2:

    Public Link with stats:


    Amount of UNIQUE new players in the last 7 days - 101, averaging it at about 14 new players daily

    Amount of TOTAL players online in the last 7 days - 1,021, averaging about 145 players a DAY


    Now just looking at these numbers alone... I should realistically close server 2. But im not. Quit coming at me when you have no information or even look at the stats itself. Dont know where this #SaveServer2 stuff came from considering we did nothing to it and did not announce anything about it. Keep in mind this is from Battlemetrics, so I cant manipulate anything.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Doofy said:

    @dellshark I just don't think it is in Olympus' best interest to keep server 2 open its about funding.... And with arma 3 dying its probably a struggle to keep 3 servers open and a TeamSpeak a website etc.. im sure if server 1 was full 24/7 the staff would have no issue with opening server 2 and 3 idk just a thought..

    Honestly this^ Nobody wants to play on an empty server.

    1 hour ago, dellshark said:

    listen to your community for once and stop leaving us in the dark. 

    The crazy part about this statement is, if I listened to majority of the community then there wouldnt be a S2 at all. 80% of people have been begging for it to be shut down, and I refuse. Bet you if I did a poll shutting it down completely would be the winner, yet S2 still stands. I even gathered some of my own stats for each server that would prove these statements wrong. Between playtime, new players joined, and average player count on each server. You would be mind blown with the numbers if/when I was to share them. I dont cater to any gangs either, and you know this. If I did, you'd see a whole lot of different results. Locking this thread, if you got any genuine concerns or questions my PM's are open.

    • Wow 1
  3. 2 hours ago, dellshark said:

    yall want one server so you can milk more money out of players for a priority slot im not dumb screw yall. every one who sees this join me in boy cotting server one tomorrow.

    What? Lmao. I don’t see a future with Olympus having priority slots on Arma 3. Maybe if arma 4 ever came out, but def not for arma 3. 

    • Like 2
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  4. 9 minutes ago, Mako said:

    Server 3 was closed as a result of a dwindling player population, the older the game gets the more people get permed / quit playing it. We're trying to preserve our playerbase by closing a server on off peak times to increase player population on a singular server. This will increase our server ranking & lead to more people joining the server as a result. People don't want to start playing on a server they see 20 people on, they will however play on a server with 80 people.

    Regrettably we didn't post a notification regarding S2 being offline yesterday, we're trying to experiment and change its uptime as needed to supplement the overall server population.

    Closing S2 results in higher player population on S1 & will result in more new players joining our community. This decision is not based on monetary needs but the needs of the playerbase and keeping gameplay on our server consistent. Its quite dreadful playing and seeing player populations below 20 on both servers instead of merging the populations.

    I'd recommend trying to purchase property on S1. We're currently working on implementations to make migration between the servers easier either via new houses or allowing some form of cross server housing.

    To clarify, we're not permanently closing S2 it has been closed of recent to keep player population up on S1 and will be reopened when the population can be supported across 2 servers. We will also be keeping it open on the weekends.

    This ^

    Also, S2 ain’t going anywhere nor did we make any changes. If we were to make changes, we’d announce it. Today was the only “experimental” day I had where I wanted to see the difference in pop if I opened it *literally* an hour later. The other few days we lowkey forgot to manually turn it on cause life took over for everyone that has the capability. 

    Nobody being left in the dry, just exploring potential options. Nothing is set or even planned for S2 as it stands. 

    • Like 1
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  5. 2 hours ago, Mobundo African Warlord said:

    welcome to the server, I'd suggest checking out https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/74-olympus-information/

    to familiarize yourself with the servers rules and polices, this will also allow you to further understand some social mechanics on the server, as well as some functional ones! 

    As well as if you have any questions our support team is always welcome to help you out in TeamSpeak 🙂

    Welcome to the server!

  6. 7 hours ago, Informing said:

    They wont. I've heard even Ryan supports what they do..

    If someone breaks a rule, report it. Idk where you hear I support rule breaking. Only person I support breaking the rules is myself 🙂 kavala usually doesn’t stay in tact when I login 

    7 hours ago, Fraali said:

    Then you have bad info.

    Regardless of who it is, they will get the appropriate punishment if they break a rule.

    I can't speak for Ryan, but all staff would ban for a rule break if they are able.

    A smart lad

    7 hours ago, Masoooooooooon said:

    Honestly most staff ban and then just unban most people unless you've done something super dumb or you've done the thing you got banned for multiple times I don't personally see anyone getting special treatment.

    We try not to be with a stick up our ass when it comes to small rdm or vdm bans. Unless the person is a total asshat or has been breaking a lot of rules in a short period of time. 

    • Like 2
  7. On 10/23/2020 at 10:01 AM, Mui said:

    Lol you are just big mad that you are a retarded inbred that got his shit yoinked because you are by far the worst admin I have met and your hard on for rabid got you in trouble maybe instead of sucking that fat obese retard off and not being a degenerate you would still be an admin 


    On 10/23/2020 at 11:16 AM, Mui said:

    Please explain because from what I heard from 90% of players I have interacted with they would beg to differ Goat may have been liked among the higher ups but the players would strongly disagree 

    Wanted whats best for the community but then Retired from Admin hmmmmmm he really wanted whats best but now he just talks shit on the forums all day because he has lost all of his power in a game lol but you tell yourself whatever you want 


    On 10/23/2020 at 11:45 AM, Mui said:

    You "Stepped Down" is what is wrote on paper but the real truth will forever remain a mystery you were so confident when you started the problem when you raided Johns house and then all of a sudden you retire from cheif and admin hmmmmmm thats a little sus if you ask me but you tell yourself whatever you need to sleep at night 🙂

    He stepped down is what they wrote and showed to the public but the real reason will forever remain a mystery my man Mr GOAT was not a clean person to say the least but as I told him tell yourself whatever you want if it helps you sleep done wasting my time on you brainlets 🙂

    There may be a lot of things that I can say recently I disagree with @Mr GOAT on, with the drama and everything. But if there's one thing ill applaud is his care for Olympus. You may only see certain things he has done that you may or may not like, but behind the scenes he was always on top of things as both chief and admin, being exceptionally great in both departments. He has definitely helped bring the sAPD back into good shape ever since his return, and left it in a very good standing.

    He was not removed, he quit because of disagreements he had as of recent and decided to step away. So whoever started this "he was fired" rumor needs to start getting their information straight from the source.

    • Like 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, proud said:

    why is oly dying? oh idk maybe cuz whenever anyone makes a suggestion, staff like to throw it off of a 1000 ft high bridge and then they wonder why oly has the least pop out of the 4 main rp servers atm. just a thought tho

    u smell

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

    Either way, Ryan stated a few days ago that he doesn't plan on fully closing s2 for a very long time.

    I agree with him, and I think it's way too soon to close a server.

    Im glad someone finally read what I said... its almost like some people here read only what they want to read... ffs

    • Like 3
    • Weird 1
  10. Just now, Noble said:

    I have a VERY strong suspicion that the main goal of this is to have room for more seniors instead of PO and Deps. No way to tell until we try i guess 

    Well when I was approached regarding it, they stated it was to specifically balance the civ vs apd numbers, instead of having a perma 25 stacks of cops. If you see/feel that this ability is abused in the future, feel free to hit up the chiefs and they will handle it appropriately im sure.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Noble said:

    6. Cops

    I worry about a 15 stack SAPD that is going to run around almost totally uncontested railing all runs people (especially new players seeing there is a large infulx and everyone needs money)

    Honestly, im gonna have to disagree with you on this one chief. As of recent, ive noticed the sAPD have been more then fair with players and the balance aspect of things. A prime example would be how as soon as we announced the S2 downtime, they approached me to make a change for federal events in order to give Civs a better chance. TLDR the change states the a sAPD member can split off cops from an event in order to limit the cops responding and give civs a chance. 


    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Kyle. said:

    im just saying lmao server opens at 1am for anyone in the uk now


    23 minutes ago, FaXe said:



    10 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:

    Exactly, cant play for like 3 days 


    1 minute ago, FaXe said:

    its actually bullshit ,

    Tbh we didn’t think about the time zones. We’re just testing some new performance updates for s1 with a full server. If servers show to fill earlier then anticipated we will adjust the times for the next few days. You guys are still free to play on S1, just won’t have access to your houses obviously. 

    • Clown 3
  13. 1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    Do you not read or what? If you look at the post, it says we are locking it during non peak times. 12pm est on a Thursday is not a peak time. You'll have the opportunity to move your gear if you want to. This is not us closing server 2, this is us trying to actually have something happen on the server instead of kids doing runs with little to no risk all day.


    58 minutes ago, Kyle. said:

    Server should open 5pm est not 8pm 


    57 minutes ago, [TNO]Alex said:



    Its literally a few days... yall actually tripping over one weekend of downtime? lol

  14. 19 hours ago, tayte said:

    Bans that expire (such as the 1 day ban) can still be appealed so we don't have further bans on our "transcript" right? Say for example you get a 1 day ban but your recording nulls the ban but by the time staff gets to your appeal you're already unbanned, would you be able to still get the ban removed even though you're no longer banned?

    Yes you can appeal a ban within a reasonable time frame to get it removed from your record. However this is also on a case by case basis. 

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