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Everything posted by bdj

  1. imagine being triggered at a forum post y i k e s talk about taking arma too seriously what happened to toxiticy being simply banter?
  2. imagine not being able to put one and one together cba to leave suggestions so that some brain dead monkey could comment on it giving their irrelevant and blind thought on it. Every time the word cartel gets brought up, 90% of the time it a no name retard who's in a squatter gang complaining about quilins, wants to bring back quilins or complaining about something they have no experience in. the current cartel civ council are half inactive and half no longer fighting cartels on a serious level.
  3. haha good come back! haven't heard that one before! shows your ignorance i wouldn't ask sapd who can't push rebel, let alone cartels, if their life depended on it for changes to be made on a rebel. i would ask cartels fighters. never did i say asking the community was a horrible idea, but a lazy one.
  4. ty for putting words in my mouth keep making shit rebels
  5. sorry there's no competition
  6. sorry there's no competition
  7. literally contradicted yourself
  8. yet you're doing a poll point proven alr so let the community decide changes for the apd
  9. there's nothing i love more than people who have never won a cartel fight asking people who have also never won a cartel fight to make decisions for people that fight cartels every single day
  10. the new rebel is so retarded, only reason it was put in is because of the flids who couldnt push rebel and lost 15 ghawk wanted a penalty for not being able to use their heads
  11. i love how no one understands why quilins are 'op' and arent 'op'
  12. no.
  13. yes pm me a price @Weird Flex
  14. wrong war @Peter Long
  15. I'm not the first to say this but when tf is the next gang wars? @Peter Long Everyone has been wondering this and it comes to no surprise why, especially after the reason mass ban of hackers, now would be a great time for a gang wars. I understand if you want to say that it's being stalled because of all the work it takes to set-up a gang wars(or personal stuff) such as checking for validity of players, brackets and of course the event itself. However, a gang wars could take place without the need of your help but simply the confirmation. I'm confident in saying that @DeadPooL would be more than happy to host the next gang wars as well as other mods & admins and they would be capable of handling such an event.
  16. LOL so confident i admire your ignorance please never change
  18. bdj


    hi i have a lisp
  19. eta on montage - tomorrow with a little lispy surprise


    1. JuanDeaged


      Hurry tf up I’m bored 

  20. better be watching me bitsh
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