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King Lee

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Everything posted by King Lee

  1. In honor of this shitty rule I will now make it my goal to sacrifice as many people as I can to the great mother tree and show you dikes a real sacrifice
  2. +1
  3. MEMEES XDdddD
  4. https://gyazo.com/6cd584b34903d9c6b10f394a3efc2dfb Here's my sexy wallpaper
  5. King Lee


    +1 great shit post
  6. Pussy juice is my favorite juice
  7. You exposed tree’s secret weapon now everyone knows I have weaponized autism
  8. I started out selling my body in khavla square till I got caught by a under cover cop then I started doing weed runs in a quad bike till I found out you just always get robbed so then I started robbing fags and I haven’t stopped to this day
  9. I bet his pp is small like a Asian
  10. Is it time? Should i shall gather the scats and meet you on the great hospital rocks of alsahn where we can cleanse Khavla once more my brother it the name of allah. I have sensed the great evil that is ruling over khavla and it shall be delt with
  11. Your super cool if you play roblox rep that shiiit https://www.roblox.com/users/359379904/profile
  12. In my defense I made that account to play on stream with @Genghis Khan
  13. So my meme collection is running kinda low right now so I thought it would be a great idea to ask the forums for there best juicy finger licking neck berded ass muchineing dank stanky, fungi growing strategically arranged text on a photo or other means of getting a joke across memes..... So who ever post the best meme will win a free COPROAL TEST no dick sucking or hour grinding required
  14. My apd career December 2016-October 2017 No he’s not
  15. I never wanted corporal to begin with I didn’t put in enough time I was talking about cops like sandman or grandma who have a shit ton of hours... Believe it or not I have this thing called a life and there’s no way I could grind like that.
  16. I should have stoped when I hit copy and paste
  17. When you put it that way it was pretty autistic
  18. How the fuck am I playing retarded I shouldn’t have posted it I wasn’t even the dude that wrote the post I posted it for my friend because he didn’t have a vpn and didn’t want people to know who he was so I told him I would just make a new account and go use my schools WiFi to post it then that shit backfired because I used that WiFi on the forums in the past
  19. That wasn’t the point of the post I was it was supposed to be about how there is cops like officer sand man who has around 500 hours and has not been given a corporal test. It’s too good of a shitpost it triggered so many people
  20. You got me there
  21. I don’t want corporal though....
  22. I don’t care I wasn’t the guy that typed it up I posted it because I didn’t care if anyone found out it was me and I agreed with him he didn’t want to post it because he didn’t want people to know who he was I don’t even play cop enough to get my weekly hours so why would I care about corproal ?
  23. @G.O.A.T. remove me from cop please I never cared for cop anyways
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