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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Vortex

    I want Striders

    i have one i'll sell, pm me
  2. Vortex


    how much do strider's go for? got one i'm looking to sell, special thanks to @codeYeTi
  3. yeah
  4. not quite sure what the fuck my eyes just witnessed, but that was funny af.
  5. I like where this thread is going lol
  6. Kavala rebel house(2 crater) : http://prntscr.com/iuneps DP22 houses(2 craters) : http://prntscr.com/iunf4g Offer.
  7. Your in DB, the definition of Autism
  8. Don't even see how this is considered bannable to be honest, Unless theres evidence of him actually using scripts on Olympus i think its a bullshit reason to ban. Banning someone for selling scripts is kinda bullshit, unless hes holding a gun to their head making them use them, don't see a reason to ban, anyone can make scripts easy, just saying. P.S - Selling amazing pull-up scripts message me for them 50% off hot deals
  9. did i hear drama? im interested . . . where do i sign up to partake?
  10. i have the closest house to rebel, but that ones not on the market. this one isn't a rebel house its a titan house
  11. i can do 1mil for it
  12. Offer, i don't want it anymore lol
  13. Offer. http://prntscr.com/iorh1i
  14. https://www.malwarebytes.com/
  15. im down 100%
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