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Everything posted by Basiic

  1. repeating this since i guess you cant read "i dont even know where to start to dox someone nor do i have the time or energy to do so" - basic
  2. Not explaining the reasoning David knows why. If you really want me to explain deat by deat join a voice channel or sum damn
  3. bro what. I have said nothing overboard that would have got me permd? Your like talking a fema- cement wall. If i wanted to spread your shit i wouldve went to every arma 3 discord i am in and @everyone and be like YO THIS IS SOV INFO BOYS. My intentions were never to spread your shit and be like LETS STALK THIS WOMAN. I wasnt trying to "Propagate" anything.
  4. I mean ya. I even messaged you and said i made a oopise woopsie. Wasnt thinking it thru just thought it was a copy and paste since it was in the chat for days. Also over the line shit? All i do is say guy jokes because you almost cry about it so its funny that is no way over the line just like the rest of the people do in olympus.
  5. I mean i didnt have ill itentions i sent the screen shots of the discord your info was already posted for days in a discord (not by me) that houses 155+. idk how many times i gotta tell you i dont even know where to start to dox someone.
  6. lmao im chillin bojo has hated me for 3 straight years because his whole friend group chose to hang with me instead of him and he got butthurt and hasnt turned the other cheek since. One more thing bae @ anti dont ever worry about me financially. Im always chillin.
  7. https://prnt.sc/F4E4p1phlHgV Touch grass
  8. lmao i aint dox anyone. I copy and pasted a picture that was legit right above mine in the same chat. i dont even know where to start to dox someone nor do i have the time or energy to do so rip lmao. @ SPBojo how are you so upset from the tree days still? @ anti my b fr
  9. Bruh, My all-in-one HP computer I had in middle school could run arma better than the android you have
  10. Why are you so ashamed of being yourself? Let it blossom my child. Become the man you are supposed to be.
  11. It was a misunderstanding my game crashed, and I tried to log back on but I was banned
  12. I would never
  13. Birb im selling one
  14. Basiic


    Drama i just now fucking Read this You left me alone in Louisiana didnt even fucking tell me you were moving where did you go
  15. o7 my Child, I will be here when you decide to come back.
  16. Like I just dont understand how...I have kept my record when I bet and im fucking 3-38 in betting.
  17. im confused, ive gotten back into olympus recently and everyday both servers are capped out at 120/120? how is that dying?
  18. yea im with Bloodmoon on this one, if you were trying to go out with a bang, you shoulda just kidnapped @Ryan and held him hostage or something
  19. ayeeeee jesterrrr awwww hi dad
  20. Nice to see you again son
  21. where did my baby go....;(
  22. Hello boys, here to announce i am coming out of retirement to come back to arma 3. Its been a long 8 months but it looks like my baby @Ryan Kept everything together. Love you all Glad to be back!
  23. Ok buddy ryan listen.....Minecraft and Arma 3 has a huge fucking age difference. What the fuck are yall doing. "Working on this for months" Nigga you could have worked on something Way better, but no FUCKING MINECRAFT holllly shit.
  24. So what do I do.....? So im Retarded, Yes = Memetage. No = Actual Montage
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