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|REAL| Boing

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About |REAL| Boing

  • Birthday 01/29/1998

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Real & Fake Company || 76561198910457022
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Glad someone took up the vigi cause while I'm gone. Makes solid money, especially since all you naked cunts combat log and make the arrest super fast and easy LOL
  2. Imagine being so dense that you actually think warzone is the gamemode. It's Altis Life. Not wasteland, and if you want me to come to warzone again like I used to, it's just going to cause an uproar like last time. You cartel rats don't like being vigid, and me constantly getting you all banned for the hard r's and combat loggin etc. Just wasn't fun for staff.
  3. Sounds like you're just bad at the game.
  4. This guys defo didn't break the rules. He does what every Kavala man does! (He once told me that he sits in kav and his whole gang is just random rdmers he can find lul)
  5. Casino: *Staring at empty bank account* "Well, that was the quickest 5 minutes of my life."
  6. I'm down nearly 80 mil after only being back for a few weeks. I saw the casino for the first time when I came back from an extended break... aaand not knowing if I was staying or not - and in an absolute joyous rush after seeing the casino had blackjack - I promptly bet away everything I had in less than 10 minutes. The sad part is, I'm not a gambler. I still can't stop. I make a little money here and there; only to waste it on a slots machine because you can do a 10k minimum, which is my only option since I only have about 30k at any given time these days. Official suggestion, let us voluntarily make a ticket to be locked out of the casino and betting, irrevocably. I need help, and I cannot get it :x
  7. What houses you got? And what server?
  8. First off, calling him a fucking idiot was entirely unrelated to your supposed "scam". It was in response to his idiotic implication that having a tag in my name somehow made my lesser, which actually makes 0 sense. Second, I'm only going off of what you said yourself. Which is, quote, "i will no longer be taking money and all current investments will be kept as i need to pay back my employees who helped me acquire the funds" That statement is you saying that you are keeping some people's money to pay your "employees". That would be scamming the people whose investments you are keeping. I don't think I need any further proof..
  9. oh no that's so bad. that must be like, unprofessional or something fucking idiot lol
  10. you clearly stated above you're done with the investment "business" and that you're keeping some people's money to "pay" some other people. Also, I have 40 mil. I just use two accounts.
  11. No one would call you a scammer if you just paid back the money as you said you would??? lmao
  12. hi
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