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About KrispyK

  • Birthday 04/09/1999

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  1. can we please make it so medics can open doors to revive people?

    sucks when you gget armaed and cant get reved inside your h ouse

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DeadPool


      im all for it

    3. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      @Fedot That'd be fairly obvious, and should penalize both the APD & R&R members involved if caught.


      Make a rule that if you unlock and open it you must lock and close it, R&R are already pretty much untouchable all around I'm sure that they could create a rule that prohibits civs/APD from taking advantage of the medic's ability.


      Way I see it, civs can already bolt-cut so it probably won't really be abused by them and if the APD are seen abusing it then both the medic & APD members involved should be punished.

    4. destruct


      Idk if this is a shit idea, but if you really wanted this to be as non-abuse-able as possible, just make it so medics can just teleport to the other side of locked closed doors, and the staff and sr.R&R can put the procedures, rules and stuff on using the ability as they see fit.

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