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Posts posted by KrispyK

  1. shut up retard go roll in the snow

    13 minutes ago, Creepy said:

    If someone hurts your feelings, please put in a player report. Be sure to include as much evidence as possible, including any communication that might be outside of Olympus e.g. Steam, or Discord. The staff here at Olympus Entertainment takes your mental well-being very seriously.

    We are here to help.

    @Moderator @Admin @Senior Admin @Head Admin @Owner

    as my boy once said

    ***** what

  2. 1 minute ago, Bloodmoon said:

    1. Ghost hawk, armed plane, or Corp+ shooting pilot out. Not to mention every fed and bw we have roaches

    3. Medics are absolute aids to deal with during a fed and bw, often they will not listen or run out to cops for a lethal because they aren't getting paid


    i remember reading it was unless the change was reverted

  3. 18 minutes ago, Panda :) said:

    1. What counter do we have to the blackfish it’s still used today. next.

    2. Elaborate?

    3. Medics still used not a real counter and if I’m not mistaken @Mercury backed the update for medics not getting paid at feds.

    anymore because these are terrible?

    blackfish price was raised to 3 mill.

    counter to black fish, not letting them get to loading and winning

    not allowed to taze/restrain cops at fed which was useful with mass log


  4. Just now, Panda :) said:

    I wouldn’t say we repeatedly nerf any strat we have let cigs have their fun with this one for far too long. Name strats that they are using we “repeatedly nerf.” Because I honestly can’t think of any off the top of my head.

    And for you said we shouldn’t let retards be cop then the apd would be slim because people like you wouldn’t be allowed to be a cop.

    black fish



  5. 1 minute ago, MAV said:

    You all @PURE P.K @KrispyK and @whoeverelse are missing the point.. if you mass log 30 people on a consistent basis,  APD will be buffed to balance 30 man feds... staff/apd isn't ruining feds for the little man/regular sized gangs, YOU ARE... I literally said day 1 when civ mass log started happening that if it continues, apd will be buffed... if you didn't see that coming then you're very short sided. 

    Like what did you expect was going to happen? The only feds APD has won is when there were ~20 civs and a sAPD stack... so are we supposed to just accept the fact that civs win 90%+ when there is a stack of 20 civs or more?

    @Bloodmoon I was rounding because of the gold buff. sure that amount will go down.. (and ofc the amount of gold spawned varies) Either way civs arn't supposed to be winning 90% of the time.

    (ps. with blackfish it does not take 15 minutes to sell gold..)

    aolution is to get good

  6. 8 hours ago, MAV said:

    How is that exploiting a loop hole? The comparison doesn't even come close to being relevant.. c'mon now your just reaching

    Not the civ rep head olympus wants, but the civ rep head olympus needs...;)

    I can get on board with this, there should be criteria that limits neutralization to 'milking' ie clearly trying to just break legs without reasonably trying to kill the officer or something similar.. I get why it's worded the way it is, given it's simplicity and how rank snatch happy Olympus is right now.. but still, should limit the change to effect only how it was being abused. .

    its prolonging a wave which is needed with how much yall swarm with SAPD, the same way we block towers

    1 hour ago, Panda :) said:

    Yeah let’s keep the meta the same for years and once we make a slight change where you have to adapt let’s lose our mind shut your useless mouth you fucking brain dead retard.


    And about people complaining about how this will affect smaller gangs, how do you suggest we solve this problem? By pulling armor and coordinated pushes I am assuming, but then we would be back at square 1 because what if a senior did that to a small gang inb4 you say “well you can control how much armor you pull.” Well we can also control if we use this rule or not. All of you complain so much about a handbook update until it is actually tested.

    its not a problem and you guys REPEATLY nerf ANY  plans people use that lets them start to in feds. its fucking stupid. heres your solution: dont hire monka brain dead cops and force them to use tatics that dont rely on 20 hunter push

  7. oh piss off seriously

    fucking beta ass cops

    3 hours ago, Pledge said:

    Chapter XI - Illegal Areas

    1. Drug dealers, drug fields, drug processing, Federal Events* (during robbery), rebel outpost areas, Cartels/Warzone, and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas.

      1. *Federal Events are defined as: the Federal Reserve, the Federal Penitentiary (Jail), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility.
    2. Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area with code 3 (Lights and Sirens).*Texting to engage in an illegal zone is NOT ALLOWED*

      1. When using code 3 to enter an illegal area, this automatically engages all weapon-bearing civilians inside the illegal area.
    3. Officers may only patrol illegal areas every 15 minutes.
    4. Officers are not to remain in or near an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity.

      1. Looking into an illegal area is considered checking it.
    5. During active engagements in any illegal area, Officers are to respond in “waves”.

      1. Each wave of officers are active until all officers at the incident have been killed or neutralized.

                        1. At any point, the last officer of a wave may place their hands on their head and declare they are neutralized, and they must remain there until reached by APD forces, at which point they may drop their hands and return to HQ.

                        2. If upon entering an illegal area and suspects are found, APD can call in backup. Backup can only enter on 1st wave as long as a member of the original group calling for backup is still on scene. If the first group is eliminated before backup arrives, then second wave begins, backup is no longer available, and normal wave rules apply.

                         3. If 1st wave backup does not arrive to the illegal area in time prior to the last death of the original group, the backup can wait at their current location (and go no further) for the 2nd wave to catch up.

                                            1. If 1st wave backup witnesses the civilians leaving the illegal area, they are authorized to engage the civilians and resume normal engagement/wave rule.

      2. All waves after the second, must start with ALL officers responding to the engagement being present in an APD HQ. Once all officers responding have returned to HQ, the next wave may begin. (Example: When the last officer dies the next wave may begin, even if the last cop that died has not respawned. The last cop that died In the first wave can still enter wave 2.)

      3. Any officers who are pulling out of responding to an incident or are retreating from the incident to start the next wave must return to a HQ before the next wave can begin.

      4. If a situation begins inside an illegal area and then moves outside the illegal area, waves are no longer required.
    6. Once an engagement within a red zone has been deemed clear by the highest ranking member present, all officers may return to the scene to clean up/provide prisoner transport.
    7. Officers may only enter Rebel outposts when:

      1. There is a Sergeant or higher in the group.

      2. At least 3 officers in the squad.

      3. The whole wave must all enter code 3, or must all enter "dark" with an intent to verbally engage. No mixing and matching.
    8.  Officers may only enter Cartels/Warzone when:

      1. Must follow same standards as entering a Rebel.

                 1. Only Active SAPD members on the Chain of Command may raid Warzone without Probable Cause.

      2. May patrol only once every 45 minutes.

                1. Exceptions: 

                1. Reasonable suspicion that an APD member was kidnapped and taken to Cartels/Warzone.

                2. Reasonable suspicion of a suspect that you were once in active pursuit of entering a Cartel/Warzone.

      3. Received Probable Cause to enter (Such as a 911 Dispatch).

                1. 1. If you enter Warzone without a Sergeant or higher due to pursuing someone in, you must check the general area of the suspect you chased in. Once the situation is deemed clear, you are to leave. Do not check the rest of the Warzone Island. 

       4. Once APD have engaged rebel forces in a Cartel/Warzone, they may continue to raid it following standard rebel raid rules until the situation has been neutralized at that Cartel/Warzone.

      5. APD May enter Cartels/Warzone and Rebel Outposts for hostage situations.

               1. PO or higher to negotiate.

               2. Can be accompanied by other officers.

               3. Cannot return unless standard Cartel/Rebel prerequisites (mentioned above) are met.
    9. For federal event robberies/jailbreaks:

      1. No RP is required to engage rebels that are participating in a federal event. All APD are free to fire on rebels in these circumstances. If you see a rebel (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them.

      2. If in the instance there are multiple federal events going on at one time, the order of priority to respond is the Blackwater first, Federal Reserve second, and Jail last.

      3. APD are not to enter the Blackwater dome and Federal Reserve dome prior to an active robbery unless someone is trapped inside.

      4. If 5 or less APD members are online during a jail break then APD are NOT required to follow Wave Rule.

             5. APD officers are not to open the locked Federal Reserve door during an active robbery.



    To clarify, this does mean an officer is expected to leave the area and return to HQ as soon as they are reached. Ideally, this is the death of Milking. Happy to field any questions below.

    ya question why are you a beta cuck

    1 hour ago, MAV said:

    Let's be honest here guys, milking deputies / POs was never an intended by product of the wave rule... I'm actually surprised it took this long to fix...I've literally seen deps milked for 8-10 minutes before with body blocking / ifrit blocking

    If it's clearly op then other things can be done to balance

    you are punishing players for using strats. monkabraindead

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