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Ryan Beck

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Everything posted by Ryan Beck

  1. MC TS are arguing about this one
  2. When you wonder why people dont do feds anymore 


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      At peak times if there is 16ish cops on in squads of 4 and there is only 6 illegal runs plus having black markets for heroin, coke and weed you are looking at 8 zones for cops to check every 10 mins not to hard to really kill illegal runs but just don't do runs peak times i guess @Vertigo


    3. Apathy


      @ryan beck I cant :( I can only play on the weekends because school and shit 

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Well i get the best solution which many others follow get cop @Vertigo it all comes full circle cop is the funniest way of making money and is viable full server pop 

  3. In Benjamins defence i have seen you, monkeyz countless times with a mar 10 Giving 0 cares about it as you know you can just buy another one i would be happy with your restrictions. I never touched dirty money just assisted and they handed in the man with the dirty money and got permed
  4. I handed myself in and got a perm you should be grateful they have been this generous
  5. so isn't allowed but afking at a gang shed 800m from a redzone is allowed surely people will abuse this the same way they did mobile check points
  6. Does this mean cops cannot camp our Gang shed which is 800m from a rebel ??
  7. Medics < Gang member with epi-pen
  8. Ahh so it was my EU ping that got me flung out of the car
  9. Think its because someone else in the car jumped into my seat and ejected me out of it
  10. So umm yeah https://imgur.com/kxFE03K
  11. Most likely got Denied for a reason if it gets denied you can try create another appeal, admins tend to look at them rather quickly. If you are truly not in the wrong they will be able to see this and un ban you
  12. Looks great now
  13. Could try get the 6 GB 1060 version as 3GB Vram isn't much
  14. Enter
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