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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Why not? Because we have titans that SAPD laughed at us to get when hawks were an issue?
  2. Dam APD struggling after we got a somewhat functioning taser script.
  3. When was the last time SAPD did an actual fed against other SAPD and not dicking around with friends I'll wait
  4. You say yourselfs but you nerfed deputies, not the actual people that need nerfing
  5. Damn I wish Civs could just go and get a buff without any input or conversation with the otherside
  6. It's not just the sdars, it's the hawks, the hunters, cops knocking walls down. If the loose and non specific requirements are met, its effectively lethals vs lethals.
  7. Imagine having to listen to SAPD and kneepadders saying shit like "Get good" and "Get more people" and then we do, but then you just buff yourself. Circle of life
  8. Yay more apd buffs
  9. Sell! Sell! Sell!

  10. Big money hours.
  11. Look at my career cop kd? Yeah nice one.
  12. Toilet paper, good name for a gang who everyone wipes their ass with
  13. Terrible day for rain
  14. Idiot shot me with a hawk when I finished my first deputy training o7
  15. #VXCodeMonkey

  16. Script kiddie s1 

  17. The updates awesome, but is all our legitimate titles getting wiped part of the plan? 

    1. Pledge
    2. Unjo


      Are we expecting a hot fix at some point or are the titles wiped in the DB

    3. Ryan


      22 minutes ago, Unjo said:

      Are we expecting a hot fix at some point or are the titles wiped in the DB

      There will likely be a hotfix.

  18. So literally perks
  19. Im actually going to rdm someone If I dont see a rollback and this so called thick update. Starting to get update withdrawal
    1. eggmasta


      You don't have to worry about the individual who did that anymore ;) 

  20. When all MX variants on Olympus now take the 100 round mx mags :bruh:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamikaze


      5 hours ago, Millennium said:


      trick is to not get caught

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