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About PurpleHaze

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. what u want for mk1 tazer
  2. put it on market ill buy it
  3. selling mx tazers 240k
  4. 100k sting 240k mx
  5. 1mxm few mx few stings msg versus | PurpleHaze in game server 2 if u want some
  6. if u want it msg me in game

  7. are u still looking for marten and dms i got one with 10mags

    1. monster


      who the fuck calls its a marten, like nigga its a mar10

    2. ChillX


      @M0N5T3R Hes looking for his friend marten

  8. offer
  9. ill buy for 15mill no more if yes put it on market and ill purchase it
  10. offer s2
  11. i still have them
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